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minor character death

minor character death

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The Auction
The Auction
In the wake of the Dark Lord’s triumph over Harry Potter, the defeated must learn their new place. Hermione Granger, former Golden Girl, has been captured and reduced to human chattel. Sold to the highest bidder as the top prize at an auction of Order members and sympathizers, she is thrust into the rabid, waiting hands of the Death Eaters. But despite the horrors of Voldemort’s new world, help—and hope—seem to arise from the most unlikely of places. PART 3 of the RIGHTS AND WRONGS series.
325.8K words
In the grand scheme of things, finding a date for a wedding should be no problem for Louis Tomlinson. He's rich. He's handsome. He's reasonably well behaved. But when the wedding is for his lifelong best friend (and former boyfriend), and is happening in under a month, finding a date for the ceremony and accompanying festivities becomes more of an adventure than he ever could have planned for.
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The Songbird and the Sea
The Songbird and the Sea
In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly. But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East. Note: information about sequels available in epilogue author's notes.
255.8K words
Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce
Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce
harry potter - j. k. rowling Hell's Kitchen (US TV) RPF hotel hell rpf masterchef (us) rpf MasterChef (TV) RPF MasterChef (UK) RPF harry potter ron weasley hermione granger gordon ramsay Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape neville longbottom luna lovegood ginny weasley hannah abbott colin creevey Millicent Bulstrode daphne greengrass astoria greengrass horace slughorn Millicent Bagnold dobby (harry potter) winky (harry potter) original house-elf character(s) molly weasley draco malfoy pansy parkinson blaise zabini vincent crabbe gregory goyle graham montague cho chang Minerva McGonagall pomona sprout filius flitwick charity burbage seventh vector dennis creevey terence higgs original characters lucius malfoy narcissa black malfoy marietta edgecombe dolores umbridge tom riddle | voldemort tracey davis lee jordan fred weasley george weasley arthur weasley bellatrix black lestrange thorfinn rowle Antonin Dolohov peter pettigrew alecto carrow amycus carrow Percy Weasley fenrir greyback yaxley (harry potter) ministry of magic employees (harry potter) minister for magic (harry potter) macusa staff dean thomas seamus finnigan lavender brown parvati patil terry boot anthony goldstein michael corner ernie macmillan susan bones cooking good slytherins hufflepuff pride gryffindor/slytherin inter-house relationships ravenclaw pride wizarding politics allegory not what it looks like feels fluff and humor lgbtq themes lgbtq character of color lgbtq character friendship character development book 6: harry potter and the half-blood prince book 7: harry potter and the deathly hallows alternate universe - harry potter setting character death original character death(s) canonical character death minor character death dark Angst drama bigotry & prejudice death eaters muggle/wizard relations wizarding wars eventual happy ending ensemble cast grief/mourning Love first love friendship/love male-female friendship female friendship male friendship good and evil family family bonding family drama growing up redemption
Inspired by a post on Tumblr, this is a AU story set during Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, with one big, foul-mouthed difference. Instead of Horace Slughorn, the position of Potions professor will be taken on by...Gordon Ramsay.
356.7K words
From Wiltshire, With Love
From Wiltshire, With Love
Hermione convinces Draco to spy for the Order and she becomes his handler. But what are his true motivations? Hard to say when he's still figuring that out himself. WINNER: 2022 Top Dramione Fics on Reddit4th Place Wartime2nd Place BAMF!Hermione .............................................................. Draco cut her off. “You may have my wand, but you're not in control of the flow of information here. It’s not your life on the line.” Granger bristled at his assertion. “My life is on the line every day.” “So. Is. Mine.” He growled back. “Give me my fucking wand and don’t be so bloody obvious when you contact me.” She narrowed her eyes. “I already told you I'd be more careful next time.” She better be. “One more thing.” “What, Malfoy?” she snapped, still angry she hadn’t gotten the information she wanted. He pointed his finger at her so she would understand how important this was. “You need to learn Occlumency. If you’re captured, I’m dead.” She stared back in defiance. “We both are.” He couldn’t argue with that. She tossed his wand to the floor and Disapparated with a crack.
352.7K words
Everything or Nothing
Everything or Nothing
Literary Strray Dogs | bungou stray dogs dazai osamu (bungou stray dogs) nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) shirase (bungou stray dogs) yuan (bungou stray dogs) arthur rimbaud (bungou stray dogs) oda sakunosuke (bungou stray dogs) sasaki nobuko (bungou stray dogs) sakaguchi ango (bungou stray dogs) Kunikida Doppo (Bungo Stray Dogs) nikolai gogol (bungou stray dogs) fyodor dostoyevsky (bungou stray dogs) nakajima atsushi (bungou stray dogs) mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) tachihara michizou (bungou stray dogs) ozaki kouyou (bungou stray dogs) yosano akiko (bungou stray dogs) francis scott key fitzgerald (bungou stray dogs) Akutagawa Ryunosuke Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs) edgar allan poe (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu/nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) alternate universe - college/university alternate universe - no powers oh my god they were roommates slow burn dazai osamu being an asshole (bungou stray dogs) dazai is a fuckboy enemies to friends to lovers jealousy internalized homophobia closeted character they're both petty and stupid as hell chronic illness minor character death mental health issues implied/referenced self-harm idiots in love love songs kissing in the rain screaming confessions Kunikida Doppo is so done (Bungou Stray Dogs) kunikida is their ra chuuya is a huge mess there's an illegal panini ring biphobia anal fingering praise kink masturbation meta references to the manga friends with benefits anal sex denial of feelings mutual pining lack of communication coming out scene minor character with terminal illness dysfunctional family background kouyou/yosano dirty talk past sexual abuse medical trauma light bondage breathplay blindfolds suicidal thoughts post-traumatic stress disorder - ptsd panic attacks existential angst medically inadvisable sex discussions of toxic masculinity
College AU where Chuuya finds out that the boy he drunkenly made out with the night of orientation is his new roommate. His arrogant, smug, very straight roommate. And the boys are each convinced the other is trying to ruin their life by making them go absolutely insane. Turkish Translation Here Vietnamese Translation Here
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Desperately Departing
Desperately Departing
My Hero Academia | My Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Midoriya Izuku Midoriya Inko aizawa shouta | eraserhead bakugou katsuki shinsou hitoshi tsukauchi naomasa Eri (My Hero Academia) class 1-a (my hero academia) dabi | Todoroki Touya toga himiko ingaraki tomura | shimura tanko teacher | all for one Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku aizawa shouta | eraserhead & tsukauchi naomasa midoriya izuku & shinsou hitoshi Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Eri & Midoriya Izuku akaguro chizome | stain & midoriya izuku dabi | Todoroki Touya & Midoriya Izuku bamf Midoriya Izuku Midoriya Izuku has a quirk midoriya izuku does not have one for all quirk vigilante midoriya izuku midoriya izuku needs a hug suicidal Midoriya Izuku dadzawa midoriya izuku & shinsou hitoshi friendship parental aizawa shouta | eraserhead parental tsukauchi naomasa dead Midoriya Inko bakugou katsuki is learning to be a decent human being mentor Kurogiri | Stain protective akaguro chizome | stain tired aizawa shouta | eraserhead protective shinsou hitoshi shinsou hitoshi is in class 1-a minor character death major character injury temporary character death character death midoriya hisashi's bad parenting Angst dark humor midoriya izuku adopts shinsou hitoshi no beta we die like sir nighteye there’s just a lot of death okay oh and repeated character death :) suspected canoodling kinda izuku has many many scars izuku has long hair for a while and then gets an undercut cause he’s cool like that so many jokes Midoriya Izuku can't die but boy does he try near death by noodle don’t question the logistics of the first few chapters especially the drinking out of the toilet with a bowl its for the aesthetic oh and just don’t question why he’s able to just up and leave the morgue just assume that everyone in this universe unless directly specified is an idiot toga himiko is her own warning suicidal thoughts suicide attempt this fic is funny but there is a lot of angst so just be warned oh and found family! so love that for us but that’s kinda my brand at this point vine reference chapter titles bring back percy jackson chapter titles
Izuku Midoriya has been told his entire life that he was useless and that the world would be a better place without him. When you hear something for so long, you begin to believe it. After Izuku hits his breaking point he finally decides to go through with it...or at least he tries. I have a tiktok if you wanna go check it out. My user is @saavaageauthor and there you will find Desperately Departing content, non-canon (and canon) angst, and more!
152.3K words
What it Means to Be a Hero
What it Means to Be a Hero
My Hero Academia | My Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Midoriya Izuku yagi toshinori | all might bakugou katsuki Midoriya Inko Nedzu (My Hero Academia) aizawa shouta | eraserhead class 1-a (my hero academia) toga himiko melissa shield Hatsume Mei shinsou hitoshi Tokoyami Fumikage dark shadow (my hero academia) original characters yaoyorozu momo jirou kyouka tsutsumi kaina | lady nagant cathleen bate | star and stripe midoriya izuku & yagi toshinori | all might Midoriya Izuku & Nedzu Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku class 1-a (my hero academia) & original character(s) other relationship tags to be added midoriya izuku & toga himiko Midoriya Inko & Himiko Toga Tsuyu Asui/Ochaco Uraraka Tsuyu Asui/Izuku Midoriya Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako Tsuyu Asui/Izuku Midoriya/Ochaco Uraraka quirkless midoriya izuku supportive class 1-a (my hero academia) shinsou hitoshi replaces mineta minoru original character replaces mineta minoru actually they replace someone else but that's not a searchable tag analyst midoriya izuku good parent midoriya inko protective yagi toshinori | all might mentor Nedzu (My Hero Academia) Nedzu training Midoriya Izuku nedzu is a little shit (my hero academia) author is a nedzu stan and that is a threat bakugou katsuki faces consequences alternate universe - canon divergence tags may change other additional tags to be added midoriya izuku does not have one for all quirk toga himiko is not a villain adopted toga himiko aldera middle school faces consequences (my hero academia) Midoriya Izuku and Toga Himiko are siblings toga himiko goes to u.a. high school minor character death background fukukado emi | ms. joke/kayama nemuri | midnight Uraraka Ochako has One For All quirk melissa shield goes to u.a. high school Midoriya Inko adopts Himiko Toga
Staring at a trembling boy before him, All Might knows what he would've wanted someone to tell him if he'd asked the Number One Hero if he could've been a Quirkless hero. And if that notebook he signed was anything to go by, a little help from Nedzu and the boy might even surpass him. When Midoriya Izuku asks All Might if he can be a hero without a Quirk, the Symbol of Peace says 'Yes.' This fic has a TV Tropes page!
278.0K words
refrigerator humming, chewing gum and instant karma
refrigerator humming, chewing gum and instant karma
Taehyung sets the flowers down on the dining table, plucking the card off the little holder. "Dearest Taehyung, just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. I hope you're thinking about me too. Love--" he pauses and squints before cocking an eyebrow and pursing his lips. "Hyung, why is the boss of your little boy band gang professing his love for me?" Yoongi drops the noodles on the floor with a loud curse as he burns his hand. Or, Taehyung's been trying his hardest to avoid Yoongi's criminal life for a long ass time, but a cute kid and his infuriating father keep pulling him deeper into the mix.
61.4K words
Icarian Instincts
Icarian Instincts
Icarian [ ih-kair-ee-uhn ] Of or to be like Icarus Too daring; Foolhardy; Brash What would happen if Dobby's dying act of apparition and the accidental cracking of a time-turner sent a tortured lonely witch back in time? Can Hermione change the future and stop a war? Save the ones she loves and the new friends she makes? Maybe she can have a better life than the one she's been forced to live for the past seven years, and decide if the risk is worth the reward.
233.3K words
Lest We Forget
Lest We Forget
Finally getting a taste of what his kingdom has turned into in his absence, and the lack of respect for the Morningstar name as a result, Lucifer decides that it’s time to step back into the Ring - literally and figuratively. Hell has a hierarchy, and while he has always remained at the top, it’s time to remind Hell of why he sits in the real seat of power. Without Lilith at his side, participation in Hellish society seems more daunting than ever. But it has been long enough. He has an heir to protect and a Ring to clean up. Two birds with one stone.
61.9K words
A Servant of No Master
A Servant of No Master
Merlin escapes from Morgana before she can heal him or implant the Fomorroh, leaving him lost and injured in the middle of the forest. By the time Arthur and Gwaine find him he is sick and exhausted, but on the way back to Camelot he manages reveal something shocking - he knows who the traitor in Camelot is, and that they are in league with Morgana.But will Arthur believe him? And what will he do with this knowledge? or An alternative plot for s4e6 - A Servant of Two Masters, where Merlin doesn't get healed or brainwashed and remembers Agravaine brought him to Morgana. Also the classic magic confession and Merlin being our favourite self-sacrificing idiot.Pre-slash but gen if you squint
74.3K words
The Way Is Shut
The Way Is Shut
My Hero Academia | boku no hero academia | my hero academia (anime & manga) Midoriya Izuku aizawa shouta | eraserhead yamada hizashi | present mic class 1-a (my hero academia) Eri (My Hero Academia) Nezu league of villains (my hero academia) todoroki shouto ingaraki tomura | shimura tanko dabi | Todoroki Touya shinsou hitoshi bakugou katsuki kirishima eijirou yaoyorozu momo hagakure tooru Tenya Iida collecting points yagi toshinori | all might kayama nemuri | midnight toga himiko sasaki mirai | sir nighteye shuuzenji chiyo | recovery girl sako atsuhiro | mr. compress Shuuichi Iguchi | spinner hikiishi kenji | magne bubaigawara jin | twice tsukauchi naomasa Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku midoriya izuku & yamada hizashi | present mic aizawa shouta | eraserhead & midoriya izuku & yamada hizashi | present mic aizawa shouta | eraserhead/yamada hizashi | present mic midoriya izuku & todoroki shouto Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku league of villains & midoriya izuku midoriya izuku & shinsou hitoshi Midoriya Izuku & Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl Izuku Midoriya & Nezu Hagakure Toru & Midoriya Izuku Angst temporary character death minor character death shinsou hitoshi replaces mineta minoru alternate universe - canon divergence Midoriya Izuku has a quirk midoriya izuku does not have one for all quirk friendship found family parental aizawa shouta | eraserhead | dadzawa parental yamada hizashi | present mic necromancy aizawa shouta | eraserhead and yamada hizashi | present mic adopt midoriya izuku midoriya izuku has a death quirk discussions of death discussions of the afterlife references to death explicit language dark themes dead Midoriya Inko earthquakes references to dead people and dead animals nightmares protective aizawa shouta | eraserhead protective yamada hizashi | present mic murder blood and injury todoroki enji | endeavor's bad parenting post-traumatic stress disorder - ptsd
“I’m glad he’s not hurt,” a man’s voice says quietly, “You said you found him in an alley?” “Yeah,” Present Mic sighs, sounding grave, “But Shouta…it’s like I said. There was a dead dog, for sure dead. Izuku touched it and brought it back to life, just like that.” Izuku has a quirk that goes against the laws of nature. A target for both villains and heroes alike, he’s rescued as a young child by Eraserhead and Present Mic, raised in secrecy at UA. When he eventually becomes a UA student and his quirk is thrust into the limelight, Izuku must learn how to adapt, or fall.
62.9K words
We Return To Dust
We Return To Dust
After Hazbin Hotel is rebuilt, Charlie gets a phone call from Emily, and she has news. With strings attached, of course. Heaven wants to get involved with redemption of sinners, which means Sir Pentious will be sent to Hell as an ambassador with Emily as chaperone. Though there is hope that his presence will encourage sinners, the true motives of Heaven are in question. Then a major discovery makes this snake an endangered species. Especially in the eyes of a grinning member of the staff. The Vees begin to make bold moves. Alastor starts to slip under pressure. Angel is plagued by his own contract. Cherri finds herself attached to someone she might even love. And Tom Trench? He's there too. Wondering how he managed to get mixed up in it all. Husk just wants everyone to take a drink and calm down already.
81.0K words
Road To Family
Road To Family
Max Verstappen's life turned around in a short span of a month when he joined the Hamilton-pack. They have been together for fifteen years and a lot of trauma can fit into that time span but so can love. But how did the pack come to be? What are their stories? //can be read as a standalone
205.9K words
War Of Hearts
War Of Hearts
Will and Nico meet again during their high school reunion and Will decides to talk to him. It has been so many years though and Will is yet to know how much Nico changed. Percy and Annabeth's relationship starts taking a critical turn when his ex girlfriend Calypso comes back into the picture. Luke and Thalia reveal their biggest secrets to each other. (Percy Jackson AU) ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️Warning: This book will have mature content, Mature language that might be upsetting for some readers, Child abuse and mentions of suicide and mental issues, physical abusive behaviour, Sexual abuse, Kidnapping and torture⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ It's not my style to write a sappy book about lovely smooth romance, I like books that include happiness but not without pain and suffering and I hope you like them too because that's exactly what you'll find in there. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️This book isn't a beautiful walk through a park and it won't have all the happiness you expect so I hope you pay attention to the warning because it's important for you to stop reading if you feel uncomfortable⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ I've warned so I hope no one would comment about how traumatising that story was.
266.0K words
Conspiracy Against the Truth
Conspiracy Against the Truth
With his battle against the Black Organization in a stalemate and his relationship with Ran deteriorating, Conan seeks escapism by attending a Kaitou KID heist. He’s not sure how to feel when he later finds the thief injured and shrunken. In which Kaito gets shrunk, so he has to pose as Conan’s twin brother to protect his identity. ---(commenter reviews)--- "Err, Let’s hope Ran doesn’t come to the conclusion of twincest… 😳"- chapter 10 "why is it so depressing bro"- chapter 11 "giving kudos because i heard about the cousins reveal. not a detective conan fan though 😭"- chapter 12 "Aww poor babies 💔 make them suffer more please 🥺"- chapter 16
54.4K words
Look Me in the Eyes (and tell me that it's me)
Look Me in the Eyes (and tell me that it's me)
Final year university student Ajax dreads graduating. A lifetime of sitting in a shitty office at a shitty computer, making shitty cups of tea for his shitty coworkers is his last idea of fun. But when he (quite literally) runs into the mysterious, handsome Zhongli who—lucky him—agrees to a date, he’s gifted a Vision—an ancient artifact of power from an era long since passed. With the Vision in his possession, he begins to recover memories of a past life of exhilarating battles and heroic deeds, propelling him into a lifestyle of delivering justice to Snezhnaya’s streets, slamming down would-be criminals with a well-placed fist to the face. However, when these memories begin to take a darker turn, Ajax starts to question who he really was, and what these memories mean for who he is today.
189.7K words
The Last Luna: Redemption of the Cursed
The Last Luna: Redemption of the Cursed
In the shadowed edges of a town bordered by ancient woods, where the line between myth and reality blurs, lives Hyunjin—a being of rare beauty and even rarer secrets. Masquerading as a beta among a society woven from the threads of alpha dominance and beta resilience, he harbors the truth of his omega identity, a rarity that could spell both salvation and doom. Amidst whispered tales of a cursed lineage and a world teetering on the edge of imbalance, Hyunjin finds solace in the depths of the forest, where a bond forged in peril with a baby fox named Aura becomes his only ally against the loneliness that cloaks his existence. But the arrival of the formidable Lunaris Pack, with histories entwined in vengeance and shadows, threatens to unravel the fragile peace Hyunjin has found. Unknown to him, they carry with them a legacy of hatred towards his ancestors. As the pack delves into the mysteries of rogue attacks that beckon them to this secluded town, where every heart hides a secret, and every secret holds the power to change the world, their path and Hyunjin's are set to intersect in ways that could unearth secrets long buried and challenge the very nature of the bonds that bind them.
155.2K words
Under the Covers of Night
Under the Covers of Night
On an unsuspecting night, a certain someone Jing Yuan had thought had long forgotten him returned with an odd request. That fateful night marked the beginning of a cycle of remembrance and oblivion; love and ruin, joy and sorrow.And Jing Yuan accepts it. Cherishes it. He held it with a lover's embrace--even if he knows that it will be his undoing.
91.2K words
Dona Eis Requiem
From What I've Tasted Of Desire
From What I've Tasted Of Desire
They never thought that they would find nearly getting obliterated such a life-changing thing. Blood Moon had dodged at just the right time, but it had been just slow enough that, in the glow of the laser blast from that damnable barrel, they had seen…him. Sun. In the glow of the blast, his eyes gleamed and glowed with a flaming light. The daycare attendant had shown like his namesake, and it had been…fetching. Otherworldly. Like some deity brought low down with the rest of the filth. He had been stunning. Like a star in the night sky. Enchanting. For the first time in his pitiful existence, Blood Moon wanted something other than gore and destruction. He hungered but not for blood. He hungered for the Sun.
71.6K words
The Undoing of Dazai Osamu
The Undoing of Dazai Osamu
Literary Strray Dogs | bungou stray dogs dazai osamu (bungou stray dogs) mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) yumeno kyuusaku | q (bungou stray dogs) Akutagawa Ryunosuke (Bungo Stray Dogs) nakajima atsushi (bungou stray dogs) armed detective agency and port mafia ensembles (bungou stray dogs) former port mafia boss (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu & mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu/nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) (formerly) - relationship akutagawa ryuunosuke & dazai osamu (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu & yumeno kyuusaku | q (bungou stray dogs) other relationship tags to be added dazai osamu needs a hug (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu is a mess (bungou stray dogs) dazai-typical suicide references (bungou stray dogs) nakahara chuuya is not okay (bungou stray dogs) mori ougai being an asshole (bungou stray dogs) creepy mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) bad person mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) armed detective agency member nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) alternate universe - dazai osamu remains with the port mafia (bungou stray dogs) well he's techincally dead but lets ignore that dead oda sakunosuke (bungou stray dogs) im sorry oda i wanted you to live but you'd be a hindrance to the plot i still love you emotional manipulation implied/referenced rape/non-con non-consensual drug use past rape/non-consensual sex emotional/psychological abuse sexual abuse blood and gore canon-typical violence no longer human | dazai osamu's ability (bungou stray dogs) vita sexualis | mori ogai's ability (bungo stray dogs) dazai is mori's ability teenage dazai osamu/nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) nakahara chuuya leaves the port mafia (bungou stray dogs) alcohol abuse/alcoholism character death minor character death Self-harm implied/referenced sexual assault Amnesia temporary character death other additional tags to be added no beta we die like oda and his orphans the author regrets everything this time i actually do additional warnings in author's note i'm bad at tagging horrible actually
He will be Mori's ability, forever in his control and in his hands. They'll play their roles perfectly, Mori as the puppeteer and Dazai as his puppet. And if his dear Osamu ever refused to play his role, well...corpses can't do humane things because they're corpses, and Osamu Dazai was never human to begin with. So he'll always be a corpse and Mori will always be Mori. They'll be a perfect pair, together until the end. No matter how long it takes. ALTERNATE SUMMARY: Dazai Osamu died at the age of 15, found in his shipping container with his wrists slit and blood pooling beneath his frame. Then how is it possible, that despite his 'death', The Demon Prodigy of the Port Mafia is alive and well, seemingly younger in appearance and now completely in Mori's control. It's all a mess. A mess Chuuya will do anything to solve. Dazai playlist out now! --> Dazai Playlist!
22.9K words
Gordon handed him a case file; he opened it. Underneath the beige cover was a face more than familiar to him. He kept his poker face, lips still. “Bruce Wayne. I take it you know who he is?” “From the papers, yes.” Feigning ignorance, even though he knew the answer by heart. “He’s missing. ” The Batcave had its own little prison Dick had built for his mentor: bulletproof glass from all sides, all digitally locked chains on Bruce’s limbs. It wasn’t the easiest task to take over Bruce’s life. To navigate the mystery that Bruce had made of the man he’d been, Dick had to give up his life as Nightwing permanently, even convincing his friends and former teammates of his fabricated death story. It was worth it, for this.
4.3K words
Got a Secret, Can You Keep it?
Got a Secret, Can You Keep it?
Oscar can vividly remember the first time he killed someone. He hadn't meant to, it was an accident at first. He only wanted to scare the girl. To give her a warning to stay away and keep her disgusting hands off of Lando Norris. But the adrenaline had spiked through his veins, sending him into a euphoric high, and the more blood that spilled, the higher the rush. It felt so good, too good. OR In a small town, everyone has their secrets. It just so happens this small town is full of the most twisted ones.
41.5K words
A Cornered Deer
I feel you (your sun it shines)
I feel you (your sun it shines)
red white & royal blue (2023) red white & royal blue - casey mcquiston henry fox-mountchristen-windsor alex claremont-diaz minor characters percy "pez" okonjo beatrice fox-mountchristen-windsor philip fox-mountchristen-windsor queen mary (red white & royal blue) nora holleran june claremont-diaz ellen claremont oscar diaz (red white & royal blue) david the beagle (red white & royal blue) mentioned - character arthur fox catherine fox-mountchristen-windsor rafael luna alex claremont-diaz/henry fox-mountchristen-windsor alternate universe soul bond psychic bond loosely based on sense8 strangers to soulmates freeform mental health issues slow build fluff and angst angst and hurt/comfort henry fox-mountchristen-windsor needs a hug yearning the author is a bi yearner author projecting onto firstprince other additional tags to be added homophobia mary is literally the worst first kiss mild smut wet dream rubbing coming untouched masturbation please count how many times i use the word 'baby' from now on explicit sexual content anal fingering anal sex safe, sane, and consensual non-sexual intimacy shower sex top alex claremont-diaz bottom henry fox-mountchristen-windsor non-consensual drug use needles domestic violence implied/referenced self-harm Angst henry fox-mountchristen-windsor loves alex claremont-diaz alex claremont-diaz loves henry fox-mountchristen-windsor gun violence shooting electrocution physical abuse blood and injury hand jobs multiple orgasms overstimulation come eating minor character death happy ending
“Hey, Nora?” “Yeah?” she looked up from her phone. “Numbers on me meeting someone who shares the same birthday as me today?” “0.0027%, why?” “No reason.” Or, the chances of meeting your soulmate in a random antique shop are low but never zero
75.6K words