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george weasley

george weasley

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All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective
All the Young Dudes - Sirius's Perspective
this is an ATYD fanfic first!!! and a harry potter fanfic only by necessity. this is literally just me rewriting each chapter of atyd but from Sirius's perspective bc i love this story so much and can't get enough of it. all credit for the original work goes to MsKingBean89 and if for some reason you've stumbled upon this without reading the original ATYD first, please go do that!! Read the original here 8/24/23PLEASE DON'T POST MY FICS ON GOODREADS/STORYGRAPHS/ETC. PLEASE DON'T REPOST MY WORKS ON ANY OTHER SITES. PLEASE DON'T PRINT OR BIND MY WORKS USING THIRD PARTY SITES THAT MAKE A PROFIT - DO IT BY HAND OR NOT AT ALL. DO NOT SELL BOUND COPIES OF MY FICS.
628.1K words
Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce
Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce
harry potter - j. k. rowling Hell's Kitchen (US TV) RPF hotel hell rpf masterchef (us) rpf MasterChef (TV) RPF MasterChef (UK) RPF harry potter ron weasley hermione granger gordon ramsay Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape neville longbottom luna lovegood ginny weasley hannah abbott colin creevey Millicent Bulstrode daphne greengrass astoria greengrass horace slughorn Millicent Bagnold dobby (harry potter) winky (harry potter) original house-elf character(s) molly weasley draco malfoy pansy parkinson blaise zabini vincent crabbe gregory goyle graham montague cho chang Minerva McGonagall pomona sprout filius flitwick charity burbage seventh vector dennis creevey terence higgs original characters lucius malfoy narcissa black malfoy marietta edgecombe dolores umbridge tom riddle | voldemort tracey davis lee jordan fred weasley george weasley arthur weasley bellatrix black lestrange thorfinn rowle Antonin Dolohov peter pettigrew alecto carrow amycus carrow Percy Weasley fenrir greyback yaxley (harry potter) ministry of magic employees (harry potter) minister for magic (harry potter) macusa staff dean thomas seamus finnigan lavender brown parvati patil terry boot anthony goldstein michael corner ernie macmillan susan bones cooking good slytherins hufflepuff pride gryffindor/slytherin inter-house relationships ravenclaw pride wizarding politics allegory not what it looks like feels fluff and humor lgbtq themes lgbtq character of color lgbtq character friendship character development book 6: harry potter and the half-blood prince book 7: harry potter and the deathly hallows alternate universe - harry potter setting character death original character death(s) canonical character death minor character death dark Angst drama bigotry & prejudice death eaters muggle/wizard relations wizarding wars eventual happy ending ensemble cast grief/mourning Love first love friendship/love male-female friendship female friendship male friendship good and evil family family bonding family drama growing up redemption
Inspired by a post on Tumblr, this is a AU story set during Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, with one big, foul-mouthed difference. Instead of Horace Slughorn, the position of Potions professor will be taken on by...Gordon Ramsay.
356.7K words
“In my humble opinion there’s only three things that men should be and that is bloody, slutty, and pathetic.” And, on a good day, Draco Malfoy can be all three. When war heroine Hermione Granger and Azkaban-tattooed war criminal Draco Malfoy are forced to wed as part of Shacklebolt’s controversial Reconciliation Act, they openly fight the match and each other—their public brawls breathlessly reported by the press. Secretly, a deeply traumatized Draco delights in Hermione’s attention and pines for a real marriage with her—even as her forced proximity to the Black family magic irritates the cursed scar Bellatrix left on her arm, reminding her why she can never truly trust or forgive him. Then Hermione discovers that Draco’s blood will soothe the scar . . . and Draco is willing to trade his blood for her body. (With post-war blood purity politics, black market potioneers, Pansy Parkinson’s career advice, the Malfoys blackmailing Hermione’s Wizengamot opposition, BDE Neville Longbottom hunting Death Eaters, a slutty Theo Nott serving as Draco’s right-hand man, and Crookshanks loose in Malfoy Manor.)
195.9K words
How Fate Intended
How Fate Intended
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter tom riddle | voldemort death (harry potter) Albus Dumbledore fred weasley george weasley draco malfoy narcissa black malfoy lucius malfoy blaise zabini theodore nott tracey davis (harry potter) daphne greengrass dursley family (harry potter) luna lovegood harry potter & tom riddle | voldemort draco malfoy/harry potter draco malfoy & harry potter harry potter & tom riddle luna lovegood/theodore nott luna lovegood & harry potter draco malfoy & theodore nott & harry potter & blaise zabini tracey davis & daphne greengrass luna lovegood & theodore nott daphne greengrass/blaise zabini magically powerful harry potter powerful harry potter harry is a little shit alternate universe - canon divergence time travel fix-it harry potter is a horcrux morally grey harry potter albus dumbledore bashing manipulative albus dumbledore ron weasley bashing hermione granger bashing molly weasley bashing good dursley family (harry potter) tom riddle is his own warning somewhat good voldemort (harry potter) mentor voldemort (harry potter) sane voldemort (harry potter) master of death harry potter grey harry necromancer harry potter ginny weasley bashing necromancy creature inheritance soulmates soul bond cannibalism cannibalistic thoughts Horror body horror seer luna lovegood wendigo myth wendigo veela Draco Malfoy creature harry potter creature fic creature draco malfoy blood and gore blood and violence graphic depictions of cannibalism dead dove: do not eat long and inclined towards world building crack treated seriously
The tattered memory of Tom Riddle sat on the porch of number four Privet Drive, pressing desperately into the horcrux housed in Harry Potter’s forehead. or In which Harry Potter is unceremoniously thrust back in time and forced to deal with Voldemort whining inside his head. At least Death had the decency to apologize.
398.3K words
It Was All Just a Game (Rewrite)
It Was All Just a Game (Rewrite)
If there's one thing that Draco Malfoy yearns for, it's seeing Harry Potter in pain. How that happens, he doesn't care. When Potter's name is pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, Draco sees it as the perfect opportunity to fulfill his greatest desire. Except Saint Potter has luck swimming in his veins. He needs to be distracted... And the best way to do that is to make him fall in love. THIS IS THE REWRITTEN VERSION AND THE PREFERRED VERSION FOR YOU TO READ.
616.5K words
"All her growth was the conveying of a corpse of hope." (From 'The Rainbow', D.H. Lawrence) This is a story about coming into one's own, a meditation on the twilight of girlhood and the violence of crash-landing into womanhood. Follow Hermione as she navigates through the quagmire: Saving the world, getting top grades, falling in love, lust, and a whole lot of trouble, and comes out of it hopefully (at least) partially sane.
728.0K words
In The Forest Of Dean
In The Forest Of Dean
A complete rewrite of Book Seven with a darker and more dangerous outlook on war. Mostly Hermione-centric. Mostly follows canon but provides a different look at how the relationships in HP could have formed had Hermione realized that she and Ron did not fit well together and that Harry, her best friend, was really what she was looking for the whole time. The story of what could have happened between Harry and Hermione in the Deathly Hallows after Ron leaves. Features added subplots, alt POVs, OC characters, and a gritty and realistic view of the war. HHR is the main pairing, but this fic is about more than just their relationship. It is a fully developed story about the war following Hermione and her allies through the fight. ‘So why are you still here?’ Harry asked Ron.‘Search me,’ said Ron.‘Go home then,’ said Harry.‘Yeah, maybe I will!’ shouted Ron, and he took several steps towards Harry, who did not back away. **This fic contains mature content, explicit language, and is dark in nature. PLEASE READ THE TAGS. If you are looking for nothing but fluff, you will not find it here.* COMPLETE
961.3K words
A Second Chance
A Second Chance
Part 2 of Kismet Trilogy: The story that started it all. This is the story of Sirius Black only spending 4 years in prison before he is finally given a trial and able to raise Harry with Remus (platonically. It is NOT a Wolfstar fic) the way that he should have been. It is the story of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin as they learn what it means to be a father/brother/guardian to Harry while finding love themselves and it is the story of Harry Potter, a young boy with a loving home who learns about the Marauders from the two men who should have raised him as he grows into the man who will lead the war against Voldemort. Slow burn Hinny. Multiple POVs. Multiple characters and storylines. It is written in 10 parts.
3.7M words
I am not a woman, I'm a god
Don't Let This Darkness Fool You (Book One)
Don't Let This Darkness Fool You (Book One)
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter draco malfoy theodore nott blaise zabini blaise zabini's mother ron weasley hermione granger fred weasley george weasley sirius black remus lupin molly weasley arthur weasley ginny weasley Albus Dumbledore daphne greengrass pansy parkinson narcissa black malfoy lucius malfoy dursley family (harry potter) original nott family characters (harry potter) original malfoy characters (harry potter) magdalena “maggie” malfoy (xbluebirdx112) draco malfoy/theodore nott/harry potter/blaise zabini draco malfoy/harry potter theodore nott/harry potter harry potter/blaise zabini harry potter/everyone harry potter is a little shit pureblood culture (harry potter) harry potter is so done bamf harry potter harry potter epilogue what epilogue | ewe slytherin harry potter good slytherins slytherins being slytherins protective slytherins harry potter's childhood with the dursleys abusive dursley family (harry potter) albus dumbledore bashing albus dumbledore being an idiot dursley family bashing (harry potter) ron weasley bashing fred weasley lives everyone is gay fluff and angst canon universe not canon compliant aromantic asexual luna lovegood protective fred weasley & george weasley established sirius black/remus lupin remus lupin needs a hug gay remus lupin werewolf remus lupin welsh remus lupin minor remus lupin/severus snape original character(s) song: call your mom (noah kahan) magically powerful harry potter magically powerful draco malfoy references to norse religion & lore protective theodore nott norse theodore nott slow burn like insanely slow we’ll get there Angst angst with a happy ending angst and hurt/comfort prolific abuse of the one bed trope
To say Draco Malfoy spent time thinking about Harry Potter was probably an understatement at this point. His friends knew it, he knew it. Draco had hoped that joining Lockhart’s dueling club would appease his father, and impress Potter. It didn’t go exactly as planned on either front, but that was besides the point. Draco had learned a lot during that duel, that he was horribly under qualified to defend himself, and that Potter was made of fire. Since then, everything else in his life had been white noise, all he focused on was Harry. And the thing is, he noticed. He noticed the way he flinched when someone dropped a plate or set a serving spoon down too hard. He noticed that when the Weasel would wrap an arm around him and his entire body went rigid. He had no idea how all of their lives would change when he decided to do something to help-- when it turned out that Potter was more of a Slytherin than anyone thought.
111.2K words
Is Love Blind?
Is Love Blind?
"In accordance with The Postwar Population Planning Act, witches or wizards above the age of seventeen will be required to form a marriage union within six months of their seventeenth birthday." Hermione falls headfirst into the Ministry's new Mandated Dating Service, following the passing of a glorified Marriage law. Her plans of finding a "tolerable man with whom she can coexist", are quickly foiled when three men earn her favor. The Catch, however, is that their identities are to remain hidden until a marriage agreement has been arranged. Who will Hermione choose? Will her decision change after she learns the identities of her three suitors?
77.0K words
A Cure for Insomnia
A Cure for Insomnia
War is over. Voldemort defeated. Hermione Granger is back at Hogwarts for her Eighth Year. It’s where she belongs. Isn’t it? Hermione is having nightmares. A certain sandy haired Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor might be the one to soothe them away, but our favourite werewolf has his own problems. Very slow burn / Will-they-won’t-they (they will).
140.0K words
Harry Potter and the Deadliest of Games
Harry Potter and the Deadliest of Games
72.6K words
The Last Goodbye
The Last Goodbye
harry potter - j. k. rowling the lord of the rings - all media types the silmarillion and other histories of middle-earth - j. r. r. tolkien the hobbit - all media types harry potter hermione granger ron weasley molly weasley fred weasley george weasley ginny weasley Percy Weasley Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape Minerva McGonagall Celebrimbor (Tolkien) Narvi (Tolkien) filius flitwick fili (tolkien) kili (tolkien) bilbo baggins thorin oakenshield thorin's company sirius black remus lupin draco malfoy lucius malfoy narcissa black malfoy tom riddle | voldemort thranduil (tolkien) legolas greenleaf elrond peredhel Galadriel (Tolkien) Sauron (Tolkien) Saruman (Tolkien) weasley family (harry potter) Celebrimbor | Telperinquar/Narvi kíli (tolkien)/harry potter bilbo baggins/thorin oakenshield Rebirth alternate universe - everyone lives/nobody dies female harry potter harry potter is not a horcrux alternate universe alternate universe - canon divergence celebrimbor is a woman female celebrimbor harry potter is celebrimbor harry potter is a little shit bamf harry potter albus dumbledore bashing manipulative albus dumbledore molly weasley bashing ginny weasley bashing hermione granger bashing smart harry potter adopted sibling relationship protective fred weasley & george weasley protective ron weasley protective bill weasley protective charlie weasley protective severus snape minerva mcgonagall is so done bamf minerva mcgonagall protective minerva mcgonagall seven travel with harry to arda to change the world soulmates alternate universe - soulmates
Upon Harry's 15th birthday things occur that bring some things to light that were not expected in the least. Truths are revealed and memories emerge that shock him and the rest of the magical world.With the help of his seven closest he'll end the threat to the magical world before traveling through space and time into a new world and ending the threat to the free peoples of Middle Earth with the help of 14 in that world. He'll gather other allies in the magical world that will remain behind to make the changes needed to restore magic to what it was in the past.What changes can happen by having the support of heart family and one's soulmate in not only the magical world but Arda as well?
83.9K words