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manipulative albus dumbledore

manipulative albus dumbledore

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Lily's Boy
Lily's Boy
Before his third year of Hogwarts has even begun, Harry faces three whole weeks of unsupervised time in Diagon Alley. In that time he takes a trip to Gringotts - and that changes everything. Burdened with the knowledge that Dumbledore has been blocking his family magic, and manipulating far more than he ever thought possible, Harry doesn't know who he can trust; but he knows he can't keep going that way. There's a whole world of lore and politics and history to catch up on, and the more he learns, the more Harry realises his true place in the world, and how much is being kept hidden from him. All the while, Dumbledore's twinkling eyes are constantly watching, and Harry can't let on how much he knows. With help from unexpected places, Harry starts on a journey to end the war, and reshape the wizarding world. With how much he looks like James Potter, people have forgotten one important thing about him - he is Lily Evans' son, and she was one hell of a witch.
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How Fate Intended
How Fate Intended
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter tom riddle | voldemort death (harry potter) Albus Dumbledore fred weasley george weasley draco malfoy narcissa black malfoy lucius malfoy blaise zabini theodore nott tracey davis (harry potter) daphne greengrass dursley family (harry potter) luna lovegood harry potter & tom riddle | voldemort draco malfoy/harry potter draco malfoy & harry potter harry potter & tom riddle luna lovegood/theodore nott luna lovegood & harry potter draco malfoy & theodore nott & harry potter & blaise zabini tracey davis & daphne greengrass luna lovegood & theodore nott daphne greengrass/blaise zabini magically powerful harry potter powerful harry potter harry is a little shit alternate universe - canon divergence time travel fix-it harry potter is a horcrux morally grey harry potter albus dumbledore bashing manipulative albus dumbledore ron weasley bashing hermione granger bashing molly weasley bashing good dursley family (harry potter) tom riddle is his own warning somewhat good voldemort (harry potter) mentor voldemort (harry potter) sane voldemort (harry potter) master of death harry potter grey harry necromancer harry potter ginny weasley bashing necromancy creature inheritance soulmates soul bond cannibalism cannibalistic thoughts Horror body horror seer luna lovegood wendigo myth wendigo veela Draco Malfoy creature harry potter creature fic creature draco malfoy blood and gore blood and violence graphic depictions of cannibalism dead dove: do not eat long and inclined towards world building crack treated seriously
The tattered memory of Tom Riddle sat on the porch of number four Privet Drive, pressing desperately into the horcrux housed in Harry Potter’s forehead. or In which Harry Potter is unceremoniously thrust back in time and forced to deal with Voldemort whining inside his head. At least Death had the decency to apologize.
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The Brightest Star Of The Darkest Night
The Brightest Star Of The Darkest Night
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter tom riddle | voldemort nagini (harry potter) original harry potter characters harry potter & tom riddle | voldemort nagini & harry potter nagini & tom riddle | voldemort minor lucius malfoy/narcissa black malfoy - relationship nagini & tom riddle - platonic relationship minor bellatrix black lestrange/rodolphus lestrange - relationship minor rabastan lestrange/severus snape/ barty crouch jr harry potter is a horcrux harry potter is a little shit dark harry potter apathetic harry potter abused harry potter sassy harry potter prankster harry potter tom riddle | voldemort adopts harry potter voldemort is harry potter's parent somewhat good voldemort (harry potter) protective voldemort (harry potter) protective nagini (harry potter) parental nagini (harry potter) heir of slytherin harry potter barty crouch jr. is a good bro manipulative albus dumbledore wrong boy-who-lived (harry potter) fluff and hurt/comfort fluff and humor crack and angst good goblins maledictus!nagini kid harry potter harry potter is adorable parselmouth harry potter abusive dursley family (harry potter) good malfoy family (harry potter) alternative universe - naga au lgbtq themes don't like don't read harry potter-centric pov multiple character redemption creature inheritance creature fic creature harry potter naga harry potter other additional tags to be added harry potter has a different name harry potter has a twin english is not the author's first language not canon compliant wish magic knights of walpurgis death eaters are actually knight of walpurgis father and son - soulmates fatherhood sentient castle slytherin castle is sentient occlumens harry potter nagini raises harry potter aromantic asexual tom riddle | voldemort mild character bashing implied mpreg (background) temporary character death manipulative tom riddle tom riddle's diary background m/m/m world building
Harry Potter, the forgotten twin brother of Boy-Who-Lived, was beaten to death by his abusive Muggle relatives. But his Magic disagreed with dying so early, so it dug deep into his soul and brought out something that will help him survive. Who will take him from his destined cruel Fate? Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Lord Voldemort has fallen into the deepest voids because of his addiction to Dark Arts. So when his Prophesied equal and mortal enemy, who happens to be the keeper of his soul piece, comes to his aid and offers him another chance by helping him recover from the insanity, hence filling out the void that has been created by cruel merciless fate, what he will do? Can he refuse the little green-eyed chaos maker who declared himself as his son in everything but blood? James "Jim" Potter, Boy-Who-Lived, and the Wizarding World's child celebrity. But it's not a life he wants for himself. There is something else he wants with all his heart, something that he would exchange all his fame and glory for in a beat. What is it that he desires the most in the World? * Previously known as The Dark Prince: Rebirth*All characters belong to JK Rowling. Tags may change as the story progresses.
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Icarian Instincts
Icarian Instincts
Icarian [ ih-kair-ee-uhn ] Of or to be like Icarus Too daring; Foolhardy; Brash What would happen if Dobby's dying act of apparition and the accidental cracking of a time-turner sent a tortured lonely witch back in time? Can Hermione change the future and stop a war? Save the ones she loves and the new friends she makes? Maybe she can have a better life than the one she's been forced to live for the past seven years, and decide if the risk is worth the reward.
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Wed for Peace
Wed for Peace
Harry found himself in the headmaster's office again. Dumbledore was staring towards the door so Harry turned around as well.Tom Riddle strode through the door and stopped in front of Dumbledore's desk. His eyes were still red but where there was a snake-faced moster with slits for a nose before there stood a man in his mid-twenties now.Riddle spoke: "Dumbledore, so nice of you to meet with me. I have a proposition for you."Dumbledore considered the man carefully before asking: "What proposition could you have that made you sure enough I would agree to it?"Riddle smirked. "I've come to offer peace." Updates can come inconsistently.
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I am not a woman, I'm a god
The Last Goodbye
The Last Goodbye
harry potter - j. k. rowling the lord of the rings - all media types the silmarillion and other histories of middle-earth - j. r. r. tolkien the hobbit - all media types harry potter hermione granger ron weasley molly weasley fred weasley george weasley ginny weasley Percy Weasley Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape Minerva McGonagall Celebrimbor (Tolkien) Narvi (Tolkien) filius flitwick fili (tolkien) kili (tolkien) bilbo baggins thorin oakenshield thorin's company sirius black remus lupin draco malfoy lucius malfoy narcissa black malfoy tom riddle | voldemort thranduil (tolkien) legolas greenleaf elrond peredhel Galadriel (Tolkien) Sauron (Tolkien) Saruman (Tolkien) weasley family (harry potter) Celebrimbor | Telperinquar/Narvi kíli (tolkien)/harry potter bilbo baggins/thorin oakenshield Rebirth alternate universe - everyone lives/nobody dies female harry potter harry potter is not a horcrux alternate universe alternate universe - canon divergence celebrimbor is a woman female celebrimbor harry potter is celebrimbor harry potter is a little shit bamf harry potter albus dumbledore bashing manipulative albus dumbledore molly weasley bashing ginny weasley bashing hermione granger bashing smart harry potter adopted sibling relationship protective fred weasley & george weasley protective ron weasley protective bill weasley protective charlie weasley protective severus snape minerva mcgonagall is so done bamf minerva mcgonagall protective minerva mcgonagall seven travel with harry to arda to change the world soulmates alternate universe - soulmates
Upon Harry's 15th birthday things occur that bring some things to light that were not expected in the least. Truths are revealed and memories emerge that shock him and the rest of the magical world.With the help of his seven closest he'll end the threat to the magical world before traveling through space and time into a new world and ending the threat to the free peoples of Middle Earth with the help of 14 in that world. He'll gather other allies in the magical world that will remain behind to make the changes needed to restore magic to what it was in the past.What changes can happen by having the support of heart family and one's soulmate in not only the magical world but Arda as well?
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