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Child's Play
Child's Play
Spiderman has been missing for one year, two months and five days.Clint Barton happens across a homeless kid named Peter Parker.
59.0K words
many names in history, none of them are ours
many names in history, none of them are ours
Steve's not sure if he'll ever understand Tony Stark, but it's good, living here. If he still wakes up sometimes convinced this was all a dream, well, it's better than it was before, and that's something, isn't it? The Avengers live in a world that both glorifies and fears them, but they know each other now behind the scenes.
42.9K words
Why Then Oh Why Can't I? (or, 5 Times Steve Rogers Felt Awkward Talking About Sex, and One Time He Stopped Talking Altogether)
Why Then Oh Why Can't I? (or, 5 Times Steve Rogers Felt Awkward Talking About Sex, and One Time He Stopped Talking Altogether)
“You really never did grow up all the way, did you, Steve? Of course it changes things. But hey.” He lifts his glass, and Steve reluctantly lets go to join in the toast. “Who says change has to be bad?”
23.2K words
Iron Man Yes, Tony Stark...Not Recommended
Iron Man Yes, Tony Stark...Not Recommended
Summary: Clint and Steve have both seen Natasha’s report on Tony and expect him to be a certain way. With Pepper now out of the picture, Bruce in India and Thor is Asgard they have no one to show them just how wrong first impressions can be.
22.8K words
Stranger in a Familiar Land
Stranger in a Familiar Land
Tony Stark is a complicated guy with secrets. Despite riches and fame, he has few true friends and little life outside of Iron Man. Which is what everyone seems to want, except Pepper. Pepper hates Iron Man, but he can't change what he is.Harry Potter has no idea what life after death holds, but he can't go back, can't undo what has been done. A new life, new people, and a new world. The only direction is forward, for both of them.
224.8K words
Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS)
Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS)
The best thing about being an Artificial Intelligence is the ability to parse, filter and modify the things people say until you've got the cause to do exactly what you wanted in the first place. Or, in which JARVIS cock blocks Tony into having an actual relationship.
14.3K words
Fan the Flame
Fan the Flame
AKA the "I thought you were a dude-bro and meant to swipe left on Tinder but I slipped. We matched and now I'm stuck talking to you" AU
347.6K words
Finding Home
Finding Home
When Harry finally accepted the fact that he had stopped aging, ten years had passed and he knew it was time to leave.
58.6K words
Loving in the war years
Loving in the war years
For maybe the first time he doesn't feel oversized – or he does, but suddenly something's clicked over and it turns him on, seeing and feeling the mass and strength of his body as he pounds Tony Stark against a wall in a basement.
5.5K words
Music For The Soul(mate)
Music For The Soul(mate)
Drabbles inspired by amusewithaview's Soulmate AU and whatever songs are popping up on my playlist. (Tags will be updated per chapter as we are kind of flying by the seat of our pants, here.)
91.8K words
Lie There and Breathe
Lie There and Breathe
D/s World AU. Tony was Obadiah's abused Sub since he was a teenager, something that even after Obadiah's death no one knew about. Tony doesn't know how to be in a healthy relationship and is terrified of having another bad one, so he decides that he'll simply remain on his own; lonely, but giving himself the feeling of safety that was beaten out of him for twenty-odd years. Then he meets Captain America and the two of them Bond; Steve is ecstatic, Tony has a breakdown.
22.1K words
Cuts and Bruises
Cuts and Bruises
Summary: In the wake of the pain and shattered friendships caused by acting on their misunderstandings, can the Avengers ever really be a team? Third part of First Impressions and Second Chances.
36.9K words
something has changed (post civil war headcanon)
something has changed (post civil war headcanon)
Headcanon: years after the Civil War, the rogue avengers are brought back to help fight Thanos. Things have changed and they really don't know how to deal with it. or When the rogue avengers come back and Tony, Rhodes, Pete, Vision and the Guardians have to work with them in order to stop Thanos, things have changed. They don’t understand why and they don’t like it but the people won’t let them hurt Tony again. or People really like Tony: Because was Tony who stood up for the people. It was Tony who fought and almost died to protect their interests. It was Tony who signed first when told they didn’t feel safe anymore. And they love him for it.
847 words
life as a tree house
life as a tree house
Tony finds out that when it comes to Avengers, you can't adopt just one.
7.2K words
Tony Stark Finds Himself a Family (That Doesn't Suck)
Tony Stark Finds Himself a Family (That Doesn't Suck)
An extended look at how Tony lost his team and found his family. So help me, I will give all of these characters the happy ending they deserve, in the happiest multi-verse that ever existed (after some Rough Times because that’s just life.) Featuring- a less problematic Spider-Man recruitment scene- JARVIS mandated Sex-Ed- a Tony Stark Defense Squad worth something- zero character deaths- and the all important answer to the question Tony Stark + Happiness = ?
71.4K words
Deception, Fear and Redemption
Deception, Fear and Redemption
"My brother claims, that you Man of Iron, forced yourself on him during your time alone in these rooms and that you sired his offspring." "What?"
121.8K words
Things That Shine
Things That Shine
Darcy was seven the first time she fell in love. The second time it happens, she's twenty-five, hung over as all get out, and has a real chance of getting shot, which is actually more alarming than the giant green guy who's holding her hostage.
26.5K words
Room 418
Room 418
On the run, Peter has managed to carve out a living as an escort. It was lucrative work, self-managed, and provided him with the anonymity and security that he so desperately needed. But, he never accounted for meeting Wade.
143.4K words
After the invasion, Steve Rogers visits Stark Tower to apologize; he was wrong about Iron Man, and he's man enough to admit it...if Tony would just let him. Luckily Bruce Banner is there to translate Stark Talk for Steve, and the three of them fall into a strange kind of routine. For once in his life, Steve feels like he might belong. But how can he belong when he wants...that?
12.2K words
The Guest
The Guest
“Darcy…?” Her focus snapped back to Steve, fear now dominating her face. “Steve, I’m going to ask you something and it’s probably going to be…strange.” He nodded, already having an idea as to what she may be getting ready to ask. “When, am I?” “It’s September 30th, 1942.” Darcy hung her head, hiding her face from him and Steve as her shoulders shook. It was only a couple of moments later that she righted herself, hiding her shock and heartbreak behind a wry expression. “Well, fuck me sideways. I’m not really sure how to go forward from here.”
113.5K words
so here’s to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope
so here’s to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope
“That you’re in love with each other. God, it’s like—it’s kind of ridiculous.” When he says this, Bruce snaps his gaze back up, frowning. “You two are so stubborn and blind, but the whole world knows that science boyfriends—I mean, honestly—isn’t just a pet term for you two. Even Jarvis knows, okay. You two are so stupid.”
11.9K words
you need a rock not a rolling stone
you need a rock not a rolling stone
The first time Darcy gets kidnapped by a mad scientist, it is not her fault.
36.9K words
No Winter Lasts Forever
A Place Called Home
A Place Called Home
New Years Eve. Suits. Party at Stark's place. Honesty happens.
6.0K words
A Chance to Make Anew
A Chance to Make Anew
Bucky Barnes comes out of Cryo with a scrubbed brain and a new arm courtesy of the one man in the world who had more cause to hate him than any other. Determined to embrace the future that has been offered to him, he grabs the opportunity with both hands, but the one thing he could have never prepared for was the one person he owed his chance to: Tony Stark.
34.3K words
A rebus is a word puzzle. Steve minus Bucky plus Tony equals...? In this 'verse the ABO hormonal/reproductive imperatives warp all of the characters & give them different drives and perspectives than normal folks. That means they will sometimes do things that are unsympathetic, selfish, bitchy, or even wimpy by canon standards. An Alpha who's lost his bondmate loses everything. An Omega who's lost the ability to attract Alphas hasn't got much either. Nick Fury has better things to do with his time than patch up the broken people he needs for the Avenger Initiative, but maybe two broken people can serve as crutches for each other. Anyway, he's got nothing to lose by pushing them together. Rebus is dedicated to Blakefancier without whom this fic would probably have ended at chapter 19. *HUGGLES YOU SO HARD* A lot of people are unhappy with the ending of this fic. I am not going to rewrite it. If you wish to take a chance on hating the fic and being upset, read it. If you want to know the main thing that upset people, read the end note first.
59.9K words
life as a tree house extension
life as a tree house extension
So, it turns out Tony isn't exactly sure what to do with a whole bunch of Avengers once he has them all under one roof.
9.8K words
Come At Me
Come At Me
Steve gets a lesson in pop psychology, drives a roadster, fends off an aspiring killer robot, conquers Tetris, wins a quarter, buys pants, battles the undead, and falls hard for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. Just your average superhero stuff.
27.1K words
Some Things Don't Change
Some Things Don't Change
Everyone seems to forget that Steve is only the way he is thanks to the serum. Unfortunately, there are just some things it couldn't change for him. This point becomes glaringly obvious soon after the move into Stark Towers. Set in the Omega-verse. Steve Rodgers/Tony Stark. Brief mention of Natasha/Pepper
2.6K words
Loki Cares About Tony, But Has A Lot Of Problems With Everyone Else
Loki Cares About Tony, But Has A Lot Of Problems With Everyone Else
When Wanda attacks Tony at the tower, T'Challa calls in a friend to help calm the Avengers down. Loki is the friend, and he doesn't mess around. He brings in Jörmungandr to protect Tony, and has words with the Avengers. Lot's of Wanda bashing cause I think that all she does is throw tantrums and needs to grow up, but Loki doesn't care. Magic > all of the Avengers and Loki uses it to prove that.
3.7K words
From The Top
From The Top
Loki has always yearned for control; but he never did get to control anything. Barton was made to be ruled; but he was never expected to realize it. Power is the flame, and Loki Laufeyson is the moth; however, it turns out that even catching fire is not that easy. There are princes and monsters at war inside him – and Clint Barton got caught in the fight. Or: can Loki trust himself not to be a monster, when all the prince wants is to take power? Loki's POV of Strangers to Ourselves.
203.6K words
one hundred percent skill, fifty percent luck
one hundred percent skill, fifty percent luck
Where there is a poker game, a v-card and general misunderstandings
7.4K words
Hidden History
Hidden History
Tony never meant for anyone to know about his past experience with what others deem child abuse. Yet Natasha knew, Clint knew, Bruce knew, everyone knew. Yet he works hard to allow his boyfriends to hold onto their belief that Howard Stark was a good man.
6.8K words
To Prove a Hero is Allowed to Have Some of His Own
To Prove a Hero is Allowed to Have Some of His Own
Or, five(ish) times Tony thought a teammate would leave him behind, and one time he knew they wouldn't.
8.1K words
Everyone Has a Dark Side
Everyone Has a Dark Side
“I don’t think Stevie wants us to get together,” Bucky said without preamble. It had been two weeks since the day Steve had walked in on the two of them almost kissing in Tony’s workshop, and in those two weeks, Steve’s behavior had become, well… ‘Distressing’ was probably a good description. ‘Worrying’ would also have been acceptable, though at the moment Tony was leaning more towards ‘annoying’. ~ In which Steve wants Tony and doesn't handle it well, Bucky and Tony just want each other, and Tony starts noticing some distressing behavior from Steve. Which isn't a problem, until it is. From this prompt:First thing first, let me just say in a very ineloquent manner: THIS BLOG EFFING ROCKS! *clears throat* I love you all, hail WinterIron! ^^ Secondly, I was thinking about a bit of dark!imagining O.o There's been quite a bit of supporting, sharing even, good-guy Steves, how about a healthy dose of dark!Steve not exactly happy about the prospect of Tony falling for Bucky instead of him and so trying to do everything against it. (I love you Steve, sorry! :D) Bonus points for BAMFprotective Bucky :3
6.3K words