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Favorite Tag
Louis knows about beauty; the combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses. He creates that combination every day in the garments he designs while studying fashion at uni. The cut of the design, the color of the fabric, the intricacy of the stitching; it all comes together to create something beautiful. When the science student with the long legs and dimpled smile agrees to model for him, Louis decides he’s found beauty personified. Harry just thinks Louis needs someone to show him how beautiful he is.
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It Was All Just a Game (Rewrite)
It Was All Just a Game (Rewrite)
If there's one thing that Draco Malfoy yearns for, it's seeing Harry Potter in pain. How that happens, he doesn't care. When Potter's name is pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, Draco sees it as the perfect opportunity to fulfill his greatest desire. Except Saint Potter has luck swimming in his veins. He needs to be distracted... And the best way to do that is to make him fall in love. THIS IS THE REWRITTEN VERSION AND THE PREFERRED VERSION FOR YOU TO READ.
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He saw what he had expected: fear mostly and pain of course, the raw emotions of any wounded animal. But there was something there that surprised him. It wasn't courage exactly, somehow that was the wrong word for it. Discipline. Some kind of tenacious inner strength that was unusual in someone so young. This was a girl who exerted an enormous amount of control over herself. All of it working overtime not to panic. And yet, at the same time, she looked so impossibly fragile. Her wide blue eyes were so open, the fear so close to the surface it seemed like he could touch it if he were a bit closer. There were no walls up at all, no hint that she knew she should try not to look so much like prey. And the grip she had on herself, cost her dearly. Something inside of her seemed to be burning far too hot. Flames licking the feet of some virgin martyr. His cock stiffened in his trousers. “You heard my name.”
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Please, Understand
Please, Understand
When Aunt May discovers that he's Spider-Man, something inside her snaps. She starts to abuse him and he deserves it, doesn't he? After all, people have died because of him. People who wouldn't have died if he was a better hero. Officially complete. Dead Dove: Do not eat. This story can now be found in Russian: And in Chinese: And now in French! Thanks to all these lovely people who translated!! <3
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Before I Leave You
Before I Leave You
In a world where betas are rare, valuable, and often have more than one pack; Beta Min Yoongi does everything he can to keep his mafia heritage a secret from his primary pack. Little does he know he's not the only one who's living a double life. or Someone always has to leave first; They just didn’t expect Yoongi to come back with a new omega (who's clearly been through some shit). “You have to understand- it wasn’t that simple.” “Make me understand then!- See? This is why I’m angry! You won’t even tell me now when I'm fucking dying over you, suffocating under the weight of things you just won’t say- and you don’t even care!”
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Just Far Enough
Just Far Enough
Tony couldn’t honestly remember how long it had been like this. Probably since the day he’d called T’Challa and offered his help. At first it had just been compulsive self-denial: you can’t eat until you’ve drafted your opening remarks, until you’ve finished your research, until you’ve rewritten every last colon and comma and apostrophe in those Accords so that everyone can come home. Those goals had been realistic. Lately, they’d become impossible. Until everyone forgives you. Until you forgive yourself. Until you make up for every bad thing you’ve ever caused. He was fine. He was coasting in a dangerous place, but he was fine. He wasn't taking it too far - just far enough. ((Prompt fill for Blood_Red_Ruby1983 who asked for Angsty Tony. Set a year after CACW. Eventual Tony/Bucky/Steve.))
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Little!Reader BTS Requests Pt. 2
Empty Spaces
Empty Spaces
Dean is fine. The way he sees it, things are simple. He had a house and a family and food in his stomach, and now he doesn't. And yeah, that's a downer, but he's not going to let that stop him from being fine, because he's in control of the situation. He definitely doesn't need anyone to save him. And it's not like the weird guy with the nice butt from down the road is the knight-in-shining-armor type, anyway.
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Think Again
Think Again
Jimin was sad knowing that he'd be leaving his best friend but it was for his own safety. He assumed nobody would hurt him after he left the hospital, he thought he was finally free when he left the orphanage, he was wrong. Jimin assumed just because he was doing what he loved and someone finally wanted him it was automatically a dream come true, it wasn't. Doing what he thought he loved began to ruin him and that someone turned all Jimin's little dreams into nightmares and all he could wish for was for someone to save him. Someone he never thought he'd see again, someone who wanted nothing to do with him. Jungkook never thought he'd ever care about anything other than his parents words in regards to what he'd do with his future, he met Park Jimin and all of that changed. They became inseparable and he fell in love... But then Jimin suddenly disappeared leaving him sad and angry. When Jungkook finally sees Jimin again he realizes Jimin is still the same hurting boy he once knew. The same boy that needed saving and loving, the same boy who still needed to be saved and loved. But was Jungkook willing to save him or love him... again? Or was his self pride and future more important than the boy he once loved?
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When Control Is A Grey Area
When Control Is A Grey Area
"He wants to look away, wish he'd just gone to bed, but he can't, and he didn't, and Yoongi thinks bitterly, how ironic it is that Jungkook's the one with his fingers down his throat, but Yoongi's the one who's choking." The one where Jungkook's definition of healthy wavers and the hyungs don't know what to do OR the times the hyungs noticed and didn't do anything, and the one time they did OR a kind of cute, sad, angsty short fic about a struggling Kookie and his loving hyungs Trigger Warning- Heavily focuses on Anorexia, Bulimia, Eating Disorders
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Can You Keep A Secret? || Trans Peter Parker
Can You Keep A Secret? || Trans Peter Parker
" it's hard to forget your past when it's written all over your body. " Now staying with the Avengers, Peter Parker has come face to face with a big secret. A secret that could tear his relationship with the Avengers to pieces. A secret that should be shared before it get's found out the hard way. But just now earning the trust of the team, he's definitely not going to risk his chance. "So," Peter whispered with tear filled eyes, "Can You Keep A Secret?"
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lies (and how to unravel them)
lies (and how to unravel them)
Shuuichi wouldn't lie if he didn't have to, but honestly, everyone is better off without knowing about this. He's doing fine. It's his first year in college, and so what if he's a little stressed? It's not really a problem. (warnings for eating disorders. please read at your own risk. tags and rating may change. college au + everyone's in a study period together + oumasai + saihara is Struggling)
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It All Started In Detention
It All Started In Detention
Suga finds himself slumped over a desk in an almost empty classroom. He refuses to look up, focusing solely on the math homework he got a few hours ago. A few hours before his perfect record was destroyed. "You're going to hurt yourself if you keep staring daggers at that piece of paper." A voice sounds in the room, breaking the silence. Suga looks up and over to his right, glare still present as his eyes land on the only other student in the room. Sawamura Daichi. The classic delinquent who, in Suga's opinion, officially ruined his life. He has a stupid smirk present on his face as he sits on top of a desk, doodling something in a notebook. Maybe it was a sketchbook. Suga doesn't care either way, he's still pissed off. "Would it help if I apologized or would you like to continue giving yourself a headache." Suga's glare doesn't let up, if anything it grows colder. "Fuck off." ________________________ Or: Suga, Akaashi, Kenma, Oikawa, Atsumu and Suna get mixed up with the school delinquents. Drama ensues, relationships begin and end, and dark secrets come to light, for better or for worse. I suck at summariesUpdate every other Monday :)
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forget yesterday
forget yesterday
there is a scar on his cheek. he covers it up with makeup. one day he’ll be able to look at himself without wanting to erase himself completely.
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A long journey home
A long journey home
Longum iter in domum suam - (latin) A long way home. Harry Potter, the forgotten one, the neglected one, the unwanted. His twin Leo Potter, the boy-who-lived, hero, loved, wanted. Fate changes when at the age of six, Harry never makes it to his aunt's house but who has taken him in? And what does it mean for the rest of the world?
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Salad Days
Salad Days
[It is not required to read part 1] The springtime of Prompto's life is shaping up to be a sticky-sweet one. It is his senior year of high school, and he's finally made a friend he inherently connects to. With Noctis, he laughs freely, speaks candidly, and exists comfortably - all while trying to understand the strange warmth building in his chest. Everything is rose-colored and saccharine. Nevermind the fact that he's starving himself.
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Missing You
Missing You
If there's anything Peter knew, it was guilt. No matter how much he tried, he still failed. So, he tried to be better, to be lighter, to be faster. He never thought it would catch up to him. But now that May had to leave for a postgraduate degree, he was left to live with Tony Stark.Things wouldn't change. He was still Spider-Man, and he would do his best to live up to it, no matter what. What could go wrong? ___________________ The one where Peter finds himself fighting his demons in the Avengers Compound, trying his best to succeed - whatever that meant. Inspired and lowkey based on Missing You by All Time Low
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A Genetic Risk
A Genetic Risk
Shoto will not say the word coping, for he does not cope, for he has nothing to cope with. It’s just a mechanism. It brings about the same result, in the end. ((AKA: When Shoto loses mastery of his left side and begins having nightmares, he goes to drastic measures to regain control. He finds some comfort in Izuku, who seems to be going through something of his own.))
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A suicidal Harry Potter jumps off the Clock Tower. He doesn't die, but Voldemort's Horcrux inside him does. How different is Harry's life going to be now? TRIGGER WARNING FOR SUICIDE, SELF-HARM AND DISORDERED EATING. STAY SAFE.
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Alive and Kicking
Alive and Kicking
He turns the music up to almost ear-shattering decibels so that he doesn’t put his foot in his mouth and say something really, really dumb to her. When they arrive, the mosquitos dance around the dingy light of the streetlamp. He jumps out and turns, seeing Chrissy cautiously approach. “This is, uh, my castle.” Wow, apparently he needs his music on at all times because that was incredibly cheesy and the definition of a dumb thing you don’t say to girls that are cool like Chrissy. But she laughs. She smiles and looks up and steps toward him, not away. He opens the door, letting her in first. The smell of her perfume, something not overly floral and almost woodsy, wafts over him as she passes, the scent swinging from her ponytail. He could get drunk on that smell, he thinks in a haze as she passes him. --4x01!AU: Chrissy lives. Eddie x Chrissy; told in snippets.
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My War Is Over (Original Unfinished Version)
My War Is Over (Original Unfinished Version)
By reader request, the original, unfinished version of My War Is Over has been left published here. To read the final, updated, and soon to be complete version, please check out my collection of fics or use this link:
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BTS: Destroyed From the Inside Out
BTS: Destroyed From the Inside Out
Taehyung opened his eyes and gazed up at Jimin’s frightened look. He was so angelic looking with the practice room lights glaring behind him, creating the most beautiful silhouette.“What’s wrong, Taehyung?” Jimin asked again.All Taehyung could get out was “it hurts” before rolling into Jimin’s crouched frame.He clutched onto his friend’s hand, causing unbearable pain from the strength of his massive grip. Jimin crouched over Taehyung in a protective state and rubbed his back as he squeezed him in an awkward hug. “Get a manager!” Namjoon called out as he pointed in Jungkook’s direction, urging him to find someone abruptly. Taehyung suddenly falls chronically ill amid a busy schedule with the upcoming World Tour. To cope with the excruciating pain, he soon finds ways to ease his suffering through drastic means. The rest of the members join his endless fight to help him overcome the odds and battle his toxic thoughts plaguing his anguished mind. However, will he make a full recovery, or will a terrible event send him running for habitual behaviors as a way to survive being traumatized?
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Who's Gonna Catch Me When I Fall
Who's Gonna Catch Me When I Fall
No one really cares, right? Or, a collection of oneshots where Namjoon is too blinded by his hatred for himself to see the love everyone else has for him. Sad endings are marked with [S] and happy endings with [H] New update: He has to believe that there’s a Namjoon waiting for him in the future that’s happy. who’s surrounded by people who love him and he loves back, who looks at a sunset staining the sky pink and feels something, whose main character role in his dreams finally bled over into real life. And that that Namjoon is holding out his hand, beckoning, telling him, all you have to do is keep going. Keep taking the next step, and you’ll reach me. So that’s why he trudges on. Too depressed to live and too okay to die.
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Kunikuzushi's Diary
A Walking Travesty
A Walking Travesty
Standing in front of a mirror now, he can’t piece it together – why can’t he do it? Why can’t he lose weight? He starves himself for days on end, and yet, here he is, his white cotton sweater straining against his beer gut. He doesn't even drink beer. He doesn't drink anything but water.
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“The problem was, in Bakugou’s eyes, a double edged sword. It gave him control over something in his life, gave him the ability to have a say in what happened to him. It let him strive ever closer to the elusive ‘perfection’ that he had been aiming for since he was a child. It fuelled the perpetual anger that kept people at a safe arms length from him. He’d picked up the sword a long, long time ago. His hands were covered in blood by now, and it hurt to carry, but he’d long since forgotten what life was like without it. Bakugou had a problem. That problem was an eating disorder.” - or: Bakugou suffers from an eating disorder, childhood trauma, and at the hands of everyone who sees him as a villain. -
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In plain sight
In plain sight
A slip of a finger sends Louis on a slippery slope into the world of self hatred. As time goes on, small comments and jokes get taken a little too personally. Louis soon grows an obsession with losing weight, and Harry grows an obsession with Louis. Or the one where Louis takes everything too seriously, Harry falls in love (even though he may not want to), Liam and Zayn are trying to help everyone, and Niall is a bit overprotective. I suck at summaries, but please give it a try.
46.5K words
Don’t leave me...please
Don’t leave me...please
He left the call and collapsed into his bed, screaming into a pillow. Why hadn't he said something? Why were they coming? Had he been that bad a friend? His breathing was speeding up, uneven as his mind screamed at him. The world seemed distant, like he was drowning. He was drowning in a sense. Metaphorically, he was drowning in his own mind. His darkest fears. Dream never wanted to get this bad. He knew he was slipping, he had been for a while. But he had always had this unspoken level that he never meant to cross. He had just crossed it. Sapnap wasn’t in love with his friends. That would mean he was gay. That was impossible. Right? George had been trying to deny his feelings for his best friends for the past few years. Had it worked? Certainly not. But at least they all lived together now, and as George and Sapnap realise just how unhealthy Dream is, the three of them figure something else out along the way.
60K words
The Breaking of Tomura Shigaraki
The Breaking of Tomura Shigaraki
Omegas are known for being rather docile people. They always have been for many years with the very few cases of there being any villainous omegas. So when Chisaki discovers that the leader of the League of Villains is an omega, he becomes...infatuated. He's set a path to do what he believes is necessary to get the perfect omega he's always wanted. But first, he as a villain to break before he can shape his omega. And Tomura Shigaraki is willing to fight back.
112.1K words
How Can You Say You Love Me?
How Can You Say You Love Me?
After Stile's mother died Stiles turned to a less than healthy coping strategy. Cutting and restricting food has been his way of coping for several years and sees no end to it in sight. Enter Derek Hale. After seeing the mysterious and brooding Derek, Stiles becomes love struck but the voices in his head tell him that Derek will never return his affections. When Stiles falls prey to his old habits, something is different this time, he's not sure that he wants to ever stop. Cue Derek to save Stiles from himself. or... The one where Stiles has an eating disorder and serious self-harm complex. Things get really bad but he learns that the resident sourwolf might be the one to save him, if he lets himself be loved. THIS STORY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED DUE TO RECOVERY FROM MENTAL ILLNESS
104.4K words
Starving For Perfection
Starving For Perfection
---------------- "If you don't stop this, you're going to die!" ----------------
37.5K words
To be Honest is to be Vulnerable
To be Honest is to be Vulnerable
Reid-centricSlow Build/Burn Profilers aren't telepathic, and are apt to miss things right in front of their faces just as much as anyone else. Unfortunately. This started out as a short ficlet about how Spencer's life would be with an eating disorder, but quickly spiraled into an 'au' wherein he really just gets fucked over by life. There are multiple storylines going on throughout, also involving other bau peeps! Very much a whump and hurt/comfort fic. Please read the tags! There are a lot, but many of them are trigger warnings.
105.3K words
In the waiting room;
In the waiting room;
“Chūya, dear, you punched him in the face.”“Yeah but—”“And choked him—”“It wasn’t that bad.”“Dr. Mori diagnosed them with a minor concussion on the spot.”Face red hot with embarrassing shame, “They started it.” -- Or, two idiots meet in a waiting room.OR, an unlikely frenemy-ship. CWs in the tags with a fun little disclaimer in the author's notes!
156.6K words