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magically powerful harry potter

magically powerful harry potter

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How Fate Intended
How Fate Intended
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter tom riddle | voldemort death (harry potter) Albus Dumbledore fred weasley george weasley draco malfoy narcissa black malfoy lucius malfoy blaise zabini theodore nott tracey davis (harry potter) daphne greengrass dursley family (harry potter) luna lovegood harry potter & tom riddle | voldemort draco malfoy/harry potter draco malfoy & harry potter harry potter & tom riddle luna lovegood/theodore nott luna lovegood & harry potter draco malfoy & theodore nott & harry potter & blaise zabini tracey davis & daphne greengrass luna lovegood & theodore nott daphne greengrass/blaise zabini magically powerful harry potter powerful harry potter harry is a little shit alternate universe - canon divergence time travel fix-it harry potter is a horcrux morally grey harry potter albus dumbledore bashing manipulative albus dumbledore ron weasley bashing hermione granger bashing molly weasley bashing good dursley family (harry potter) tom riddle is his own warning somewhat good voldemort (harry potter) mentor voldemort (harry potter) sane voldemort (harry potter) master of death harry potter grey harry necromancer harry potter ginny weasley bashing necromancy creature inheritance soulmates soul bond cannibalism cannibalistic thoughts Horror body horror seer luna lovegood wendigo myth wendigo veela Draco Malfoy creature harry potter creature fic creature draco malfoy blood and gore blood and violence graphic depictions of cannibalism dead dove: do not eat long and inclined towards world building crack treated seriously
The tattered memory of Tom Riddle sat on the porch of number four Privet Drive, pressing desperately into the horcrux housed in Harry Potter’s forehead. or In which Harry Potter is unceremoniously thrust back in time and forced to deal with Voldemort whining inside his head. At least Death had the decency to apologize.
398.3K words
Wed for Peace
Wed for Peace
Harry found himself in the headmaster's office again. Dumbledore was staring towards the door so Harry turned around as well.Tom Riddle strode through the door and stopped in front of Dumbledore's desk. His eyes were still red but where there was a snake-faced moster with slits for a nose before there stood a man in his mid-twenties now.Riddle spoke: "Dumbledore, so nice of you to meet with me. I have a proposition for you."Dumbledore considered the man carefully before asking: "What proposition could you have that made you sure enough I would agree to it?"Riddle smirked. "I've come to offer peace." Updates can come inconsistently.
52.6K words
Don't Let This Darkness Fool You (Book One)
Don't Let This Darkness Fool You (Book One)
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter draco malfoy theodore nott blaise zabini blaise zabini's mother ron weasley hermione granger fred weasley george weasley sirius black remus lupin molly weasley arthur weasley ginny weasley Albus Dumbledore daphne greengrass pansy parkinson narcissa black malfoy lucius malfoy dursley family (harry potter) original nott family characters (harry potter) original malfoy characters (harry potter) magdalena “maggie” malfoy (xbluebirdx112) draco malfoy/theodore nott/harry potter/blaise zabini draco malfoy/harry potter theodore nott/harry potter harry potter/blaise zabini harry potter/everyone harry potter is a little shit pureblood culture (harry potter) harry potter is so done bamf harry potter harry potter epilogue what epilogue | ewe slytherin harry potter good slytherins slytherins being slytherins protective slytherins harry potter's childhood with the dursleys abusive dursley family (harry potter) albus dumbledore bashing albus dumbledore being an idiot dursley family bashing (harry potter) ron weasley bashing fred weasley lives everyone is gay fluff and angst canon universe not canon compliant aromantic asexual luna lovegood protective fred weasley & george weasley established sirius black/remus lupin remus lupin needs a hug gay remus lupin werewolf remus lupin welsh remus lupin minor remus lupin/severus snape original character(s) song: call your mom (noah kahan) magically powerful harry potter magically powerful draco malfoy references to norse religion & lore protective theodore nott norse theodore nott slow burn like insanely slow we’ll get there Angst angst with a happy ending angst and hurt/comfort prolific abuse of the one bed trope
To say Draco Malfoy spent time thinking about Harry Potter was probably an understatement at this point. His friends knew it, he knew it. Draco had hoped that joining Lockhart’s dueling club would appease his father, and impress Potter. It didn’t go exactly as planned on either front, but that was besides the point. Draco had learned a lot during that duel, that he was horribly under qualified to defend himself, and that Potter was made of fire. Since then, everything else in his life had been white noise, all he focused on was Harry. And the thing is, he noticed. He noticed the way he flinched when someone dropped a plate or set a serving spoon down too hard. He noticed that when the Weasel would wrap an arm around him and his entire body went rigid. He had no idea how all of their lives would change when he decided to do something to help-- when it turned out that Potter was more of a Slytherin than anyone thought.
111.2K words
Harry Potter and the Path to Xanthos
Harry Potter and the Path to Xanthos
harry potter - j. k. rowling harry potter draco malfoy Severus Snape Albus Dumbledore pansy parkinson theodore nott blaise zabini vincent crabbe gregory goyle hermione granger ron weasley luna lovegood lucius malfoy narcissa black malfoy dobby (harry potter) Rubeus Hagrid gilderoy lockhart tom riddle | voldemort diary tom riddle basilisk (harry potter) gordon the hand moaning myrtle daphne greengrass Millicent Bulstrode tracey davis (harry potter) hogwarts staff draco malfoy & harry potter draco malfoy/harry potter Draco Malfoy & Severus Snape lucius malfoy/narcissa black malfoy alternate universe - canon divergence slytherin harry potter stuttering harry potter draco malfoy & harry potter friendship book 2: harry potter and the chamber of secrets severus snape is draco malfoy's godparent bamf draco malfoy slight dobby bashing he just doesn't understand harry and draco's friendship im sorry dobby i love you other additional tags to be added not beta read good parent lucius malfoy good parent narcissa black malfoy lucius malfoy being an asshole protective narcissa black malfoy protective lucius malfoy protective draco malfoy jealous harry potter possessive harry potter harry "i can fix him" potter clingy harry potter gender neutrality coming out gender roles (specific to purebloods) pureblood society (harry potter) wizarding culture (harry potter) gay draco malfoy mild gore slight horror magically powerful harry potter bamf harry potter luna lovegood bashing im sorry luna i love you luna lovegood needs a hug misunderstandings
"Are you ok?!" Draco whisper-shouted in Harry's face. Now, Harry couldn't see all that well without his glasses, but he could make out that Draco looked a bit different — his features a bit more defined with less baby fat. His voice, too, sounded a bit lower, cracking almost like Harry's does occasionally. Harry nodded his head, his mind reeling. "W-w-wha' are y-you d-doin' here?!" Harry whisper-shouted back between his smushed cheeks. "I've come to rescue you, of course!"
125.3K words