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Dumpster Diving for Treasure
Dumpster Diving for Treasure
After waking up from his own demise in an alternate universe, Peter's first course of action is to gather as much information and resources as possible to make his life easier. In doing this, he decides that dumpster diving at local playboy billionaire, Bruce Wayne's, manor would be the best place to find anything useful.Unfortunately for Peter, it's trash day, and a certain butler catches him mid-dive. Dedicated to Anna, Randy, Evan, and Coro.
185.8K words
Chick Magnet (No, not that kind of chick)
Chick Magnet (No, not that kind of chick)
Claude attracts a very specific kind of crowd. Claude wouldn't call himself an animal lover. He likes animals, sure. Only a monster could look at a kitten or puppy and not feel something. He's human, just like everyone else. Animals, on the other hand, seem to unanimously love him. They sense his carefully hidden soft heart, he's sure of it. It's the only explanation. They capitalize on his weakness and extort him for all he's worth. He folds like a house of cards every time a kitten so much as looks at him. Behind closed doors, he doesn't mind too much. Maybe he even goes so far as to enjoy the companionship. But he's aware no one will take him seriously if his little weakness comes to light. It's his greatest (mundane) secret. Unfortunately, he doesn't have enough blackmail material to silence the entirety of the Golden Deer when they find out. Aka Disney Princess!Claude
757.2K words
Anything Like Me
Anything Like Me
Damian was barely taller than Wayne’s hip, hair obscuring his eyes. His skin was far darker than Wayne’s--a dusky brown that spoke of years in the sun. His face, however, could have been a perfect replica of the billionaire’s. “Oh,” Anne said, frowning at the father-son pair, “Bruce, honey, you didn’t say he’d be so--” “--handsome,” Lois supplied quickly. Bruce Wayne introduces his son to reporters.From a prompt on tumblr.
1.5K words
The Weight of Words
The Weight of Words
Dim blue eyes stare up at him. Hair that might once have been rich with colour hangs limp and brittle around a gaunt face. A face with a split lip and a fading bruise on one cheekbone. A face that is blank of all emotion and yet simultaneously screams help. No, he doesn’t see danger. He sees only a man trying to meld with the wall and make his body as small as possible while staring down Din with a glare so cold that it could cause anyone’s blood to turn to ice. The man is dressed in thread-bare prison garb that hangs off his slight frame like oversized drapery and around his wrists is a pair of complex-looking cuffs. They’re the same ones Grogu had been shackled with, cuffs that somehow diminished his powers. If this man bears them too could that mean… Din crouches, bringing himself down to the man’s level. “Are you a Jedi?” * In an alternate universe where the name Luke Skywalker has long since been lost, Din Djarin discovers an unexpected prisoner aboard Gideon's ship, finding not only a potential teacher for Grogu but also the man who will change his life, and his heart, for the better.
155.3K words
Weak Spot
Weak Spot
A love story of villainous proportions. Though it hadn't come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
690.8K words
A Way Things Should Be
A Way Things Should Be
In the Shire, hobbits say, "What lovely weather we've having." They also stir their teacups for four and a half clockwise rotations, place their left elbow seven-eighths down the way of the arm rest, and sniffled pointedly, which roughly translates to: "This tea is over-steeped and bland, your furniture is both uncomfortable and horrifically tasteless, and you're a twit of a host."And I think that's beautiful.~Hobbitish is a language of manners and etiquette, the dwarves don't even know that Hobbitish is a thing, and Bilbo is trying to keep a straight face and his peace of mind while the Company unintentionally keeps sexually propositioning him and challenging him to pie-eating contests to the death.~Actions speak so much louder than words.
53.6K words
It Happened Quiet
It Happened Quiet
“Maul is Sith,” Eeth said softly, “and a Sith that did not plan on killing his Master. A Sith that likely loved his Master… We have stripped him of an attachment. While we may now be able to properly give Maul closure, to begin getting him to recognize what happened to him was wrong…” “It will nonetheless take time." A slow-burn on Slavery, Freedom, and bringing Balance to the Force.
363.3K words
Beware the Nice Ones
Beware the Nice Ones
Five years after becoming Consort Under the Mountain, Bilbo is struggling to prove his worth to Thorin's most xenophobic subjects and foreign kinsmen. However, when visiting nobles mistake Bilbo and Frodo for common servants, Thorin is not pleased and Bilbo has had enough. Political intrigue, cultural misunderstandings, and a trial of honor ensue...
50.4K words
It Was Probably The Pumpkins
It Was Probably The Pumpkins
Dís doesn't appreciate it when people flirt with her brother. Most specifically, her very rich and married brother. So, when a bunch of dwarven harpies attempt to run the princess' favorite hobbits out of the Lonely Mountain, Dís decides to take matters into her own vengeful hands. Never underestimate the ingenuity of a pissed off dwarven princess.
22.4K words
The Shark in Your Water
The Shark in Your Water
When people are desperate they turn to faith. Panem has done a good job creating a truly secular society, stamping out the religions of the past, but nothing can stop new gods from rising. - Or: When Gaea curses Percy to live in a world without the gods, he winds up in District 4 and is chosen as tribute for the 70th Hunger Games. From there, everything just kind of spirals.
83.1K words
Human Domestication Guide
Human Domestication Guide
In a Science Fiction space future, the Terran Accord has just lost a war to the Affini Compact, a civilization of highly advanced plant-like aliens who really want to make cute, drugged up pets of their subjects. A human, the warship pilot Elvira, has just been captured & delivered to her new Mistress. (now canon compliant & edited for readability!) The HDG wiki with additional information about the setting & stories can be found here.
20.4K words
Harnessing Starfire
Harnessing Starfire
The Enterprise has a crew unlike any other. They are the best and brightest that Starfleet has to offer, the vast majority of them are painfully young, and they are largely untried. They are led by the most unpredictable and explosive duo that has ever graced Starfleet Command. Alpha and Beta Quadrants are reeling under the after-effects of Nero's second rampage. The Klingon Empire's fleet has been gutted. The Romulans are ominously silent. The shattered remnants of the Vulcans are desperately trying to save their culture and their people. All eyes are on the Enterprise, the boatload of children who succeeded where an entire armada failed. Depending on who you talk to, they are heroes, villains, or ignorant, blindingly lucky upstarts. After their rather explosive beginning, how will the Enterprise and her command crew fare?
138.1K words
Oh god, Dick's going to be so proud
Oh god, Dick's going to be so proud
“Tim Drake? I’m calling in regard to Damian Wayne—” When Tim said he’d do anything to get out of work this is not what he meant. Or, Damian Gets In Trouble And Tim’s The Only One There To Pick Him Up, Misunderstandings Ensure
4.2K words
Old Promises
Old Promises
Newly Knighted Anakin Skywalker comes in contact with a Sith artifact and finds himself in the past. From there he proceeds to break into the Jedi Temple, kidnap initiate Obi-Wan Kenobi, and go on the run from the Jedi Order. It's been a strange time. Now at loose ends in the galaxy, he decides to make good on an old promise. He's going to free his Mom. He's going to free all the slaves on Tatooine.
65.6K words
A teenage girl is put under the torture of constant rape and pregnancy for something she has not done.
2.7K words
Modern AU. Erik M. Lehnsherr is a private man, a jeweler that’s just looking for a studio to work in. But floorspace in New York is limited, so he ends up sharing a space with a beautiful mutant painter named Raven. Above them is a huge furry blue physicist, i.e. Mad scientist, and a glassblower that breaks half of what he makes when he starts laughing. Drawn into their intricacies, Erik finds himself not only with friends but something that’s starting to frighteningly resemble a family. Then enter one, Charles Xavier; geneticist, lecturer, telepath, and mutant rights activist. Suddenly Erik is faced with dealing with a past he’s trying to forget and feelings he’s never had before.
21.1K words
Starlight Vomit
Starlight Vomit
Crests are status. Crests are strength. Crests are power. Claude doesn't get it. Sure, the healing his crest gives him is handy. But no one talks about the drawbacks. As far as he's concerned, Fódlan's obsession with crests is overrated. His Crest of Riegan isn't worth the way it burns through his body. It isn't worth the way it skitters beneath the surface of his skin. The itch it thrums through his blood during battle isn't worth the retching he's left with hours later. ... He's not the only one suffering, right?
219.5K words
Stolen Memories
Stolen Memories
Connor was sure it would succeed in every mission given to it, regardless of what it would be: catching deviants, saving hostages, or integrating with humans. Being an obedient, unfeeling machine.Turns out it doesn't succeed in any.It is constantly failing everybody around it, everyone who has ever had any faith in it or hoped for its help. Connor just doesn't seem to escape being inferior. Broken.It just can't help being just itself. And Amanda deserves so much better than that. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Hank Anderson is dealing with the android partner he has been assigned against his will. The man has been trusted with a task of keeping an eye on the RK800 - a new prototype capable of advanced combat, eliminating difficult targets, stalking humans and androids alike like a predator. Should the android deviate, the consequences would be tragic. And the man is just beginning to notice the changes within Connor.But the RK800 is not the only one undergoing them.
500.7K words
How Much Can One Android Hurt?
How Much Can One Android Hurt?
This is an A-Z Whump Challenge. Let me know if you like, please.Will contain some spoilers for the main storyline of D:BH, depending on how you play. If you know what happens, don’t be scared to read, if you don’t know, and don’t want spoilers don’t read. If you don’t care, feel free to read.
40.5K words
Operation: Princess Wife
Operation: Princess Wife
Natasha isn’t sure how it happened, but somehow she’s found herself sitting on the couch with Jane Foster, watching Beauty and the Beast. The next thing she knows, she’s listening to Jane ramble on about princesses, and true love, and how this could be the answer to the Avengers’ annoying, be-horned, god-shaped problem: Find Loki a princess. Then Thor informs them that his brother already has one. Natasha can work with this. Or, the history of Loki's terribly misguided attempts at love and friendship. It is an account that is both heartbreaking and cringe-worthy. That he manages to be successful anyway and win over the unlikeliest of people is nothing short of miraculous. Especially when it's all thanks to his spiteful, cantankerous, and overall extraordinary wife. Features both slash and het, angst and humor, and plenty of Norse mythology.
39.3K words
Capital H Human
Capital H Human
Spock doesn’t take bigotry from the Vulcan High Ministers, but allows himself to be called ‘hobgoblin’ by Leonard McCoy.This is why.A story from McCoy’s perspective.
4.9K words
Citadel Diplomacy
Citadel Diplomacy
The results of the US Election of 2156 increase tension between the humans and the Citadel Council, pushing them to the brink of war. However, Robin Shepard and her friends seek to prevent such a war, so they set off to uncover any dirty secrets of their new president. Along the way, Shepard gets Commander Garrus Vakarian involved, only to realize they both have common ground. Adults Only
156.2K words
A Language That I Never Knew Existed Before
A Language That I Never Knew Existed Before
Ignis deals with the fallout of Prompto's anxiety. Set during chapters 20 and 21 of Shadows Will Scream.
8.0K words
December 2022 Oneshots
December 2022 Oneshots
This is just a collection of one-shots that I am challenging myself to do one each day in December. They will all be Critical Role, but will range between Campaign 2 and 3 mostly with maybe a little based on Legend of Vox Machina. I AM NOT CAUGHT UP in Campaign 3 and am on episode 35, so please no spoilers in any comments. Tags, relationships, and characters will be updated as the month progresses. Here is a link to the prompts I will be using:
34.2K words
Honesty Panel
Honesty Panel
A simple publicity panel goes in a direction that nobody expected.Featuring: danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, jacksepticeye, and Markiplier edit: It's come to my attention that Shane Dawson has a history of blackface and humor sexualizing children and animals. I am so sorry for including him in this fic in a positive light. I don't know the best way to address this. The easiest way would be to discontinue this fic or delete it, which I'm tempted to do. I could edit him out, which I have no motivation for. I could write in a plot where the mc discovers he's a piece of shit, but I'm not super invested in this fic anymore, especially now.Let me know what you'd prefer I do. I'm so sorry for making Shane Dawson media.
6.6K words