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Identity Theft
Identity Theft
It's been months since the events of Civil War, and the Avengers are doing their best to remain a team, having promised to forgive and forget. Unfortunately for them, Tony Stark's latest invention has been stolen and recovering it causes tension to reappear. Meanwhile, in Queens, Peter Parker has two main priorities on his plate — complete his midterm finals, and track down a fishbowl wearing criminal that may or may not lead him right into the hands of the Avengers. Somehow between all of this, Spider-Man's identity is revealed to the Avengers, Steve and Tony's friendship may permanently be damaged due to continued hidden secrets, and Happy struggles to buy a youth-sized casket for Peter's funeral. Things were a lot easier when they were fighting over Bucky Barnes. (Or: The Avengers welcome Peter into their crazy superhero family and will do anything to protect him.)
266.0K words
A Bird in Morning
A Bird in Morning
One night, six months after he died, Jason Todd climbed out of his coffin and stumbled twelve miles through icy November rain. He ended up in a Gotham hospital, surrounded by people who most certainly knew Bruce Wayne from pictures, and possibly-- possibly-- his adopted son. Somebody was bound to recognize him, as crazy as it was. Six months after Jason Todd died, Bruce Wayne is barely functioning. It's about time they found each other again.
45.0K words
Cup of Depresso
Cup of Depresso
A series of conversations with Emiya over some fresh coffee. Status: The overarching story that I wanted to tell is complete! That said, I'm still writing new chapters now and again, but just for fun as ideas hit me. Spoilers for any significant story beats will be forewarned at the beginning of each chapter. Comments always appreciated! Posted out of order, but placed chronologically; the new position and name of the latest chapter will always be updated here: Newest chapter -- 36. Vac Pot
70.7K words
This is My Choice
This is My Choice
Bucky makes it off Zola's train, the railing still breaks, but Steve catches him. Instead, they end up on Schmidt's plane and fall together. 70 years later, and they must face the 21st century. However, between SHIELD's suspicious actions surrounding Bucky, and living with Tony Stark, that might be the least of their worries.
174.4K words
When Harry Potter suddenly apparates into Malfoy Manor, Narcissa Malfoy takes one look at this poor scared child and decides the world will burn before she allows anymore harm to come to him. Featuring a very curious and slightly possessive Draco and a Lucius Malfoy who tries to play it cool but is really a big ol' softie.... Pretty much the family Harry should have had because he is a small bean that needs to be protected and loved until he can come into his phenomenal cosmic powers.
83.2K words
meet me at the water's edge
meet me at the water's edge
Even when there is no one else to admire it, Jiang Cheng likes knowing that his knee-high boots with their six-inch stiletto heels force a posture that softens the sharp angles of his calf muscles. When there is someone to stare, he knows that they are focused on the practiced fuck-me sway of his hips. Sometimes, those stares make him feel like maybe he could fulfil the role of a desirable Omega. Most of the time, Jiang Cheng only feels on edge, knowing he will never be enough no matter what he does.
344.1K words
The Way They Were
The Way They Were
Ten years ago, it's the middle of the afternoon. High above Alstor Slough, the sky is a brilliant edge-of-summer blue, so bright it hurts to look at. Clouds make tiny white smears against it, like whipped cream on top of one of Iggy's meticulously constructed cakes. And there, hanging in the vault of the heavens, is the sun. Prompto stares up at it, stunned into silence. It burns his eyes, but he squints and raises a hand above him and peeks through the fingers, not quite able to look away. He stays like that for a long time – so long his eyes water. He tells himself that's all it is.
53.3K words
Camera Shutters
Camera Shutters
Percy is working in a cafe, living that demi-god college life. Or trying to. He's still not certain what he's going to school for just yet, but he's enjoying the swim team and being able to see his friends in a place he doesn't really have to worry about monsters. But he catches the attention of a photographer who thinks that Percy is what the world needs to see. And since Percy is impulsive, he decides, why not?
66.1K words
Hermione didn't know how to get over the war. She thought returning to Hogwarts would help but after a break down the most unlikely person helped her up and taught her that it was ok to not be ok.
53.7K words
Bakugou reluctantly agrees to do a trial run with a psychiatric service dog after his mental health hits an all time low. While he hates the idea of a dog being one of his last options, everyone else seems to think it’s a good idea. Two weeks. He has two weeks before he is allowed to send the mutt back. OR Bakugou gets a service dog and learns some heroes have four paws. And it’s easier to accept help from a selfless animal with no ulterior motives. Well, very little ulterior motives—the dog is a sucker for anyone who throws his toy.
40.5K words
Harry's rage has become far worse than he's ever experienced, so bad it doesn't even feel like his own. Impulse and anger is not a good combination...and one blond Malfoy is there to bare the full brunt of his confusing wrath. Reader discretion advised. Now with fanart!
41.9K words
Powder & Ekko (& Timebomb) Collections
Powder & Ekko (& Timebomb) Collections
This is a collection of various Powder and Ekko themed flashbacks/stories, ranging from one-shots to multi-parts or full part chapters. There will be chapters dealing with just one of them or the other, as well as any kind of Timebomb content (meaning, chapters with both of them, together). It's to dig into the very adorable and dorky friendship the two very clearly possessed, as well as what might have been like for them during their childhood, before everything turned to shit. And yes, if it's not clear, there will be Ekko x Powder! It's just not the ONLY focus (but it is in my heart <3). The perspectives will vary by chapter, so you will see chapters from Vander, Vi, Powder, Ekko etc etc. You MAY also see the same chapter through a different POV! Please note that all chapters are connected and may shift in "time". PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY STORY ANYWHERE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! NOTE AS OF NOVEMBER 16th 2024: I don't know if I'm going to continue this guys, I'm just so busy, but I won't say never, because I'd love to try again some day. Thank you to all still reading and commenting. :)
158.1K words
Spin the Incest Wheel with Genshin Impact
Spin the Incest Wheel with Genshin Impact
Incest fics with randomized everything, from prompts to the gender, down to whether or not it was consensual. It's to get me out of my comfort zone. Heed the tags. I cannot emphasize this enough. Genshin Impact belongs to MiHoYo, not me. Do not attack them for my own actions. I don't accept requests, unless you want to suggest a prompt to me. I only do short fics, none will have a part two. Most will be in a modern au.
2.5K words
Culinary Conversations.
Culinary Conversations.
Sunny is trying his best, he really is. But his own overactive imagination continues to haunt him, even after the Omori was defeated. The road to recovery is long and hard, but for right now he just wants to finish cooking his fried rice. However, there is an imp in his kitchen telling him that life isn't worth living. What did he do to deserve this? (Formerly the one-shot Impish Ideation, now a full series!)
215.0K words
26 Secrets About Superheroes (You're Dying To Know)
26 Secrets About Superheroes (You're Dying To Know)
(#13 will leave you on the edge of your seat!) "Somewhere, deep in the fuzzed-out corners of his mind, it occurs to Tony that his Brooklyn boys have ruined him. "'If you're still coherent, we're not doing it right, baby doll,' Tony thinks he hears Bucky say roughly, and Steve chuckles, rumbling low in his chest." An alphabet of sleepless nights, jewelry, pornos, broken hands, a very unlucky cactus, and love.
16.7K words
FGAP (Four Games about Pain)
FGAP (Four Games about Pain)
“Tomura,” Kurogiri intones to the sour-faced young man, “what would you like for breakfast? I can make you and Izuku-kun something traditional, or there is Nutella on croissants, or pancakes with—” “Shut up!” Shiga growls. He turns to Izuku; the look on his face is like walking into a room where the windows are covered up, and ripping all the blinds open at once. Cobwebs, grime, dust, all of it gone as airy gold floods the space. Shiga’s grin stretches from one ear to the other. This is the brother of Shiga’s manic grin for bloodshed and gaming; it is the cousin of the tiny smile (secretly) reserved for corgis. He opens his arms to Izuku, fingers plucking the air in their eagerness: come to me, come to me, come to me… -- When a fledgling Shigaraki dry-runs an abduction, he returns with a hero who never met All Might. The aspiring mass murderer decides to keep him. Forever. While Izuku’s caring instincts saved him, they also sentenced him to a life as the plaything of an unstable teenager. Izuku wants things; to see his mother again, for starters, and ultimately to become a hero. If Izuku wants to realize his dreams, he must become real in his captor’s eyes.
210.1K words
Takemichi is at the last of his rope. Can someone who understands him save him from drowning? "Takemitchy is all mine... and anyone who gets in my way--" Mikey's eyes were far too intense, "Well, they'd wish they hadn't." "Manjirou?" Takemichi called from the couch and Mikey turned, face serene. Mikey was both in love and obsessed and Takemichi had never been safer.
99.0K words
Like A Man Possessed
Like A Man Possessed
‘Possessed’ was an odd word usually reserved for talk of spiritual encounters and religious lore, and Keith had never personally understood the feeling. Nor had he ever had a religious experience, but this is what it must be like. Though it wasn’t a deity in focus; it was arousal. It held him tight it it’s aching grasp, threading through every vein in his body, lifting him to higher realms. The slick of Shiro’s hand around his cock incessantly pumping over and over again would be absolutely blinding if his eyes weren’t already covered; instead, it’s lightning. Flashes and beams struck behind his eyes, his nerves too excited, muscles too tight as he writhed, tugged at his restraints. And he began to beg like a man possessed.
73.8K words
Kaminari has always been very good about hiding his Omega status: Everyone thought he was a beta. However, when Stain escapes Tartarus, the Hero Commission decides to bulk up their numbers to retain the Hero Killer. And of course, the one Alpha he has the hardest time resisting just HAD to be assigned his new partner on shift.
55.2K words
A Different Shade of Alpha
A Different Shade of Alpha
Follow My Twitter! @Justice1392 :) Min Yoongi was brought up by his sexually abusive father. He knows he’s an Omega and was taught that it would be his ‘duty’ to always please his Alpha. He, thankfully, is presenting late, his father lining up suitors for after it happens. Yoongi moves in with two amazing Omegas, Taehyung and Jimin, who are also victims of abuse. Whilst heading to work, he meets a high schooler who immediately catches his eyes. He’s sweet, kind, sensitive… could Yoongi have been wrong? Are Alphas not all the same? Is Jimin right? Is Jungkook a Different Shade of Alpha? This story is about moving forwards and learning to trust others, and allowing yourself to fall in love, despite feeling unworthy and scared. It’s okay to let others in.(You can skip the first chapter)
115.5K words
Nick Fury hands him the medical suspension with surprising delicacy. But that doesn't mean Clint actually gets time off. He learns there is more than one way of being benched.
5.1K words
Don't Stop Swaying
Don't Stop Swaying
Robb and Sansa Stark attempt to handle their forbidden love for each other that developed after the tragic death of their mother. While doing their best to lead normal lives, they still cannot deny how they feel. Their relationship is tested when one traumatic night threatens to destroy them and the lives of those around them.Gentle Warning: Not a fluff piece. This has extremely dark themes.Contains incest.I can be found on Tumblr: SoHereWeAre1Graphics made for me by the lovely Sansafeels. Thank you!!
201.1K words
The Calm to Her Storm
The Calm to Her Storm
Death isn't easy, and Hermione is barely keeping herself afloat after Ron is gone. After an unlikely friendship between her kids and Draco Malfoy's son brews, something unlikely blossoms between Hermione and Draco too.
114.6K words
Money & Sate
Money & Sate
As one of the richest and most influential women in the whole country, Furina de Fontaine has it all: money, fame, and power. However, there’s one thing her money cannot buy – pure satisfaction. She felt hallow – and in order to fill the emptiness in her… she seeks for people who can satisfy that void. One day, she met a lone orphanage owner: Arlecchino – a mysterious director. Enthralled by Arlecchino's beauty and added with an unexpected accident, Furina gave Arlecchino a deal – a deal that the director couldn’t refuse. An Arlefuri Sugar Mommy/Baby AU where Furina is mentally not okay so she copes by spending (she's so me)!! No smut because I want FLUFF!!!!!!!!! Set in modern Teyvat with NO elemental powers whatsoever.
37.1K words
Forest King
Forest King
AU. After falling out with his sister, John ends up in a Cornwall Midsummer’s Eve celebration in the middle of a forest that’s rather…different. After the hazy night of magic and passion with a pale-eyed man, he goes home to London.He’s in for a surprise when his stomach starts growing and buds appears on his head. Not one to just accept things, he returns to Cornwall to demand an explanation.When he meets the forest king, Sherlock, again, he has to come to terms with not only what’s happened to him but what kind of magical world he’s been thrust into. Plus, there’s the questions of whether he trusts the antlered man and how he'll survive being apparently pregnant.Sherlock isn’t much help. That doesn’t mean he isn’t trying to somehow make John understand his feelings, however, even if he’s greatly hampered by being Sherlock.They slowly move forward but problems beyond their control may arise from an act done with the best of intentions. How will they cope, separately and together?
141.8K words
For You
For You
Tony Stark has a lot of enemies. But they know that Iron Man has taken too much pain to be broken. At least until a certain teenager is suddenly with him 24/7. Now they have a way to get to Tony and they plan on using it.
67.9K words
Leap of Faith
Leap of Faith
Damian has one particular coping mechanism: displacement. When he encounters something he cannot come to terms with, he finds his way around it in the only way he can imagine: by watching porn.
65.0K words
you look like hell (because you are)
you look like hell (because you are)
Michael craved stimuli and yet despised it; Lincoln, in his own ways, was much the same. Michael tapped things, counted, checked, tested, always consuming more information. Keenly aware of what normal was and how difficult it was for him to achieve it, Lincoln got an early start dulling the edges of his own perception, because he wanted that kind of thing to get the fuck out of his head. There were times they wanted the same sensations at the same time, but there was always a line, some hidden seam between good and bad that neither of them could locate until they snagged it and the moment passed.
23.0K words
Palest Ink
Palest Ink
Some people believe that John spent Sherlock's three year hiatus quietly mourning. Those closest to him know that something entirely different happened.
34.7K words
Spencer's having a rough night. Derek's there to help.
3.3K words
After Laughter
After Laughter
The four ancient heroines slept. When the time came, when they were needed once more, they rose and defended Gemkind - and all life - from evil forces. Thousands of years later, stuck on Earth after the Great Gem War, one of them decides to leave. ---or, a Roleswap AU where the Diamonds defended Earth against the Crystal Authority, and now they have to deal with Pink's aftermath.
14.1K words
crazier not to try
crazier not to try
She knew how much he liked it when she teased him, when she pulled what he wanted straight from within him even when he clutched his secrets close to his chest. When he didn’t have to be responsible for his own desires. Maybe that was why he did this, his little dress up game, pretending to be the Ice King again when he was all by himself. Surely it couldn't be sweet, simple Simon who wanted to capture and keep his princess forever and ever and never let her go. It wasn’t Simon who wanted to see that princess turn the tables and keep him forever. That was all the big bad Ice King, who nobody liked, so Simon was absolved of all similar cravings.
15.2K words
This Is How It Happens (We Are Born to Burn)
This Is How It Happens (We Are Born to Burn)
Post-Scarif, Jyn joins the Rebellion and has the time to think about her feelings toward Cassian. She just didn't realize that upon their miraculous return, he'd have someone waiting for him. Prompt fill: "Cassian is romantically involved with someone else when he meets Jyn."
1.8K words
Public Relations
Public Relations
Everyone in Gotham seems to know that Commissioner Gordon’s daughter was paralyzed after the Joker attacked her. The tabloids seem convinced that Barbara wants to use their paper as public therapy instead of her team of professionals. Barbara just wants to learn how to shoot a gun without being the latest headline and without dealing with her father or Bruce feeling guilty. Luckily, she knows someone that can shoot a gun and not fuss about feelings.
5.7K words
Timestamp: Guardian Angel
Timestamp: Guardian Angel
A look into the life and times of Schrödinger. From his introduction to his role in Stiles' life.
4.1K words