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Out of the Deep
Out of the Deep
Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep. It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep. Castiel should have listened better. (Dean's Drabbles - certain scenes from Dean's POV.)
488.6K words
Eddie tries to convince himself that it is something they don't want or need. He fails. Update: August 2021. So I went back and reread this and added about 1.5k more words worth of porn throughout the chapters. Mostly on Chapter 2 because the flow of it when reading was least satisfying to me. If you're someone who goes back to reread, you're in for a few surprises!
9.7K words
The Stormborn and the Stormbringer
The Stormborn and the Stormbringer
The dragon has three heads. Daenerys had been taught about dragons, about her family history and the great beasts they rode. About their thick hides and near impenetrable scales. About their horned heads and fanged maws that can spit fire at a moments notice. About their leathery wings which sounded like the roar of thunder with each beat. She had never been taught about them having multiple heads. The three headed crimson dragon of her House's flag was to represent Aegon and his sister-wives, of the three dragons they used to bend the Seven Kingdoms to their knees. It was figurative. But this one she cradled to her breast had three heads at the end of its sinuous serpentine necks. The crown of each head was dotted with small, barely-there horns with more along the length of the spine. There were also two tails, the barbed tips curling around her forearm like a babe clinging to its mother's finger. Its scales shone like gold, glittering through the ash coating its body. The dragon has three heads.
361.2K words
The Prime Override
The Prime Override
When Jango Fett overrides Order 66, he single-handedly ruins Sidious' Empire before it can rise. Now, the reinstated Mand'alor is at the top of the Sith Lord's shit list—but with the might of former clone army at his back, he's not an easy man to kill, nor even find among the millions of identical faces. The clones are finally establishing themselves as a free people on their new home on Mandalore, but not all is as it seems. When Obi-Wan Kenobi suddenly receives a personal summons from the Mand'alor, he isn't sure what to expect from the mysteriously not-dead Jango Fett, nor his former troops. Surprises await him in Keldabe, and Jango and Cody are the keys, but neither of them are entirely who Obi-Wan thought they were. The clones never needed anyone to save them, but in the process of saving themselves, they might just end up saving the rest of the galaxy.
389.8K words
You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While)
You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While)
"Spock. Just say 'I don't trust Starfleet not to mess up the only captain in the fleet who I can train up to my expectations and enjoys running into danger wearing a blindfold as much as I do'."
33.4K words
hope dangling by a string
hope dangling by a string
Lan Wangji had never had call to perform the spell of silent communication before he and Wei Wuxian joined together to fight Xuanwu. He figured it was temporary. Spoiler alert: it wasn't. Or: the AU in which Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian psychically bond in the cave, Wei Wuxian overhears Lan Wangji thinking about the fact that he actually likes him, and after several minutes of confusion, is fully on board with this.
70.1K words
Master Of Dying
Master Of Dying
Harry One minute I'm in Malfoy Manor, the next I'm being yelled at for dying. Again Apparently I'm rather good at it. Honestly, it's not that shocking. How am I supposed to stay alive when it's three against an army and we're working off of faulty information? When Mortimer said he was sending me back again, my first response was anger. Yet another Old Man making decisions for my life. Until I saw the headful of riotous curls on the other side of Death's hallway. I don't care what they do to me, but they fucked up when the killed Hermione. The next time I die, I'm taking Riddle and all his minions with me. AKA-My take on the Reptile28 Challenge ***Subscribe! Chapter releases are slow, but this is NOT abandoned!!
325.3K words
A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold
A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold
Charles, a miner from a poor village in the countryside, saves the life of Erik Lehnsherr, scion of a successful business family and the richest man on the planet Eisen. Charles is a telepath and somewhat anxious about it, while Erik abstains from relationships because the lights flicker and doors open and electronics vibrate when he gets too excited. Also featuring a long-suffering sister, a foul-mouthed bodyguard, and a best friend with a heart that is definitely not gold. In which there are princes, spaceships, long journeys, and old secrets uncovered. (An AU sci-fi fairytale)
114.2K words
When I Think (Oh, it Terrifies Me)
When I Think (Oh, it Terrifies Me)
Look, some mornings you wake up and little green men are invading New York City; some mornings you wake up and you can hear Captain America's voice in your head. Tony has been an Avenger long enough that he saves his freakout for important things.
8.6K words
come home to me
come home to me
“I shouldn’t have moved out of the way,” Katsuki sighs. “I should have let that fucking asshole hit us, honestly, a broken back would be better than this.”Masochist, Eijirou thinks and, in the second right before Katsuki chokes and focuses intensely on salvaging what's left of their midnight haul, he realizes that this might be a problem. Bakugou and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that lets them hear each others' thoughts. It goes much better (and much worse) than either of them expect.
5.4K words
Inside Your Head
Inside Your Head
After his thirtieth birthday Kim Dokja starts to hear other people's thoughts whenever he touches them. And what he hears Yoo Joonghyuk think surprises him.
57.5K words
the voice under all silences
the voice under all silences
He can’t do this. “Can I—” he bursts, stops, overflows again. “Would it be too terribly forward of me to ask—” This is so much. How can small words hold so much? Perhaps he can keep it in, after all. If the words can hold it, maybe he can too. Maybe he won’t crack and rupture. Or: After the bus ride back from Tadfield and the erstwhile End of the World, Aziraphale reaches his breaking point.
12.3K words
20th Century Limited
20th Century Limited
"Where am I? Where is this?" and he was in Brooklyn, he was on a beach, the train was shaking around him. He was in the plane, ice splintering up onto the windshield. He was in a tank, tubes trailing from his face, from his groin. Christ, he was cold. There was still ice on his fingers. He was in the Grand Canyon. He was in Times Square. This couldn't be Times Square. Where the hell was this? "Tell me! Where am I, who are you, where's—" —Bucky?
52.0K words
Hi, You Were My Husband in Another Life, Professor
Hi, You Were My Husband in Another Life, Professor
Um, hi. I'm Jim. Jim Kirk. You don't know me, but I know you. Well, sort of. It's a long story. All of this started when I… Actually, no, it started when my mom got it into her head that… well, it's kind of complicated. Long story short, I accidentally ended up in another universe and... Look, I know it sounds crazy, but in that universe, we—the other me and you—are married and you're the crown prince of Vulcan Kingdom. It does sound crazy, I know. Fuck, I don't even know why I'm doing this. I don't really know you. Hell, I'm not even sure I want to know you. It's not like I think you and me… I'm just curious, I guess. You'll probably ignore me anyway; I know I would if I were a Vulcan and got a call like that from some stranger. Fuck it, it was a stupid idea. Bye, Spock. [18-year-old Jim ends up in Once Upon a Time's universe. When he gets back, Jim's curiosity gets the better of him. And then things become complicated. Academy AU.]
48.9K words
Ssshhh! (or the voice in my head will have to shout)
Ssshhh! (or the voice in my head will have to shout)
Things in Beacon Hills are always weird, but Deputy Derek Hale is pretty damn sure he's getting the brunt of this week's insanity. There's a serial killer in town getting their kicks by posing people weirdly and maybe the local coven is to blame. His mom's setting up his sister with his new boss's cute son. There's some guy talking in his head. Oh, and his heat kicks in, four months too early. Also: he's pretty sure cell phones are the worst thing on the planet. This is Derek Hale's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. All he wants is to enjoy his new apartment in peace. But you can't always get what you want. And if he tries real hard, will the voice in his head help him get what he needs?
20.2K words
Marinette and Adrien are soulmates, and have known that since before they got their miraculous. They can’t not know who the other is. The solution? Keep on hiding the fact that they’re soulmates from even Tikki and Plagg, of course!
55.7K words
two of hearts
two of hearts
Crowley winced and turned around. He squinted at the King of Hell and his two-day stubble and expensive suit and bloody audacity. His Hell-trained survival instincts really didn’t like this. That ancient part of him who’s known this man-shaped being since he was a hatchling filed away his escape plan for later, however. Or: Crowley and Lucifer are siblings, and sure, they’re not exactly on speaking terms now, but that doesn’t stop Lucifer from knocking on Crowley and Aziraphale’s door on a Sunday morning, asking for help. Needless to say, it doesn’t go exactly as planned… [Or or: on relationships, the Throne of Hell, absolution, and the universe's most dysfunctional family—maybe—coming to senses.]
233.8K words
Yeah I Know How You Like It
Yeah I Know How You Like It
Lan Wangji leaned forward to lick the sweat off of Wei Wuxian’s neck. “I am fucking you,” he said as Wei Wuxian started to whine. He took his hand away, blinking his way back into the jingshi. Lan Wangji was laying there as unruffled as ever. “You really like the begging, huh?” Wei Wuxian said weakly. Lan Wangji’s smile was so warm, his eyes so soft. He said, “Wei Ying’s voice is pleasing to me.” --- Wei Wuxian can read Lan Wangji's mind. He's surprised by what he finds there.
5.0K words
I Know You Want Me
I Know You Want Me
He’s not sure if it’s him, the cafe, or Jimin, but it’s getting a little too warm for Taehyung’s liking. He slips the coat off his shoulders and lets it gather around his waist on the bench. “He’s so damn cute. He’s tiny and still somehow manages to take up the entire bed-”   -jesus fuck I would let you ruin me- Taehyung stops short, blinks at Jimin who blinks back. “I’m sorry, what?” “What?” Jimin parrots, ramen lifted halfway to his mouth. Oh no. No no no no. This isn’t supposed to happen here.
10.9K words
Not Okay
Not Okay
Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin are transported into Red Robin's mind. As they witness Red Robin's most formative memories, what secrets and hurts will be revealed? Is the smart ex-Robin really okay? Or is he just excellent at faking a smile?
89.0K words
don't talk to strangers
don't talk to strangers
Tumblr fic I write here. --55. Peggy/Bucky - modern vampire!au"I’ve always liked garlic, too.“ Brooklyn apartments are small, so he’s only a few steps away when he says, "Catch someone early enough after Italian and you can kind of taste it. In the blood.” 56. Peggy/Steve/bucky - WWII vampire!auPeggy does not take well to her turning. 57. Peggy/Steve - Steve leaves a family behindSix months after Steve wakes to an empty bed, not even the heat of Peggy's missing body still caught in the sheets, Natasha pays him a visit. 58. Bucky/Sharon - dark magic!au (+ werewolf!steve)She still craves things that Bucky long ago threw away. 59. Bucky/Sharon - frenemies to lovers “It’s the honeymoon suite and you’re a spy. Live a little, Mrs. Buchanan.” 60. Bucky/Sharon - sons of anarchy au"You going to spend the night on the porch like a guard dog?" 61. Bucky/Ruth - meeting the parentsYou’re pretty sure that’s the night your son is conceived.
59.8K words
Soul Bomb
Soul Bomb
Suddenly everyone in Manhattan has someone else's voice in their head. Tony got Steve's, for his sins.
1.9K words
with a double-edged sword
with a double-edged sword
The archangel Gabriel had never chosen a Bearer for his sword. Until now. The edited and very extended version of Choosing You.
10.8K words
“Hannibal,” he thinks he says. He gets told later that he doesn’t really say it at all, but that the entire police station—most of which is waiting outside in the rainy parking lot—hears his voice clattering around inside their skulls like someone standing on a roof banging pots and pans and screaming at the top of his lungs: HANNIBAL, HANNIBAL, HANNIBAL. [or: rude, exhausted telepath Will Graham]
6.8K words
To Make Much of Time
To Make Much of Time
The Doctor thought he’d removed all traces of the Vortex from Rose, but there was still something of the Wolf about her. What would have changed if he’d been forced to face that–and if Rose had understood what she was becoming? A series 2 canon divergence fic starting with Tooth and Claw and following the changes through Doomsday.
167.9K words
All Things Inherit
All Things Inherit
"For John, it's not a bullet that throws his existence into disarray – it's a bite." In a world where twelve percent of the population are Mactiri - people with the ability to turn into wolves at will - John finds himself struggling with a new and horrifying existence. The victim of a shocking attack, he is discharged from the army and sent home, determined never to acknowledge what he can now become. However, when his health starts to fail, it is up to his enigmatic new flatmate to show him that perhaps his life is not the nightmare John believes it to be.
53.6K words
War Games
War Games
Sequel to You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While). The Federation and the Romulan Empire have been on the verge of war for what sometimes feels like forever; this is the place where what passes for peace might end.
109.8K words
this is what love looks like:
this is what love looks like:
Unlike Keith, Lance has to be dragged by his feet, bound and gagged, into this love. If there was a contest for the art of self-denial, he’d be the reigning champion.-Companion piece and sequel to 'there, nestled against his pulse.'
58.7K words
Professor Xavier's a Total Douchebag
Professor Xavier's a Total Douchebag
Derek Hale can read minds. If he could have chosen a mutant power for himself instead of being given one by random, genetic happenstance it's safe to say mind-reading would not have been his 1st, 2nd, or even 96th choice. Maybe if he'd gotten the power of invisibility he wouldn't be sitting in a senior Economics class next to a hyperactive kid with a buzz cut who won’t stop thinking about dicks.
12.9K words
He Waits
He Waits
Kei finds her destiny in the Amazonian rainforests.
3.1K words
Merlin, despite the dragon’s warning, reveals himself to Morgana and offers a helping hand. Arthur finds out about Morgana and then about Merlin. But instead of going to his father to have them on a pyre, he helps them.Merlin, Morgana, Arthur and Gwen start working on helping magic users and generally everyone, whom Uther dismisses as unimportant. The four of them stand united, even against the forces of destiny.So much for Kilgharrah’s prophecies...
165.5K words
Longing of the Soul
Longing of the Soul
Voldemort's possession of Harry during the events at the Department of Mysteries triggers a latent telepathic ability. Harry's mind begins reaching out to Riddle every night during his sleep, and Riddle takes advantage of that to cast Imperius on Harry, attempting to coerce him into murdering anyone and anything near him. Harry keeps the dreams quiet for fear of being locked up, but when he returns to school, he soon finds dealing with his nightmares and visions, not to mention flaky friends, unwanted advances, and a Snape who's more abusive than ever too much to handle alone. Will Harry survive when the entire world has turned against him and his closest ally comes from the last place he would ever expect? AU notes: Harry et al are aged up one year to avoid underage issues. Harry is 16 at the start of the story, 17 in chapter 2, and 18 before any real romantic stuff begins.
409.7K words
it's like one of us woke up
it's like one of us woke up
"You came here for me," Charles said, meeting Shaw's gaze levelly. "So let's not waste any more time." Canon!AU in which Charles and Erik do find Shaw in Russia.
25.2K words
Better Left Untouched
Better Left Untouched
With a simple touch, Namjoon can hear thoughts. Jeongguk has a very good reason to never let him touch.
6.8K words