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Phil Coulson is not a crazy cat lady
Phil Coulson is not a crazy cat lady
An AU where the Avengers are not a superhero team, but rather a group of cats that Phil Coulson owns and brings in to the SHIELD offices. Kinkmeme prompt here.
28.2K words
Full On Rainstorm
Full On Rainstorm
He catches Derek by the arm and Derek lets himself be turned, surprised when Stiles shoves a small box into his hands. “I don’t know if you still celebrate it or what but… I wanted you to know someone was thinking about you. Happy birthday.” Then he squeezes Derek’s arm and bolts, gone before Derek can think to stop him. He opens the box standing there, only to find one singular, misshapen, sloppily-frosted, cupcake, with a candle in the box next to it. It’s kind of squished despite the paper towel all around it to keep it from banging around in the box. Derek has to take a moment to sit down because yeah, he can’t deny it anymore. He’s gone on Stiles. OR: Pining fic, because I'm as bad at summaries as I am at titles!
10.5K words
Steve's favorite shirt is at the center of a debate about masculinity, sexuality, and whether or not he did in fact steal it like a thief in the night from Tony.
3.7K words
Between the Light and Shadows: Luke & Vader One-Shots
Between the Light and Shadows: Luke & Vader One-Shots
One-shot collection focused on Luke and Vader. All AU.. Story 46: Never AgainYoung Luke is missing his family. His mom has gone in to make sure his dad is safe, while his sister is sick. All he wants is to see them.
186.6K words
Introducing Miss Lydia Ladybug Stilinski
Introducing Miss Lydia Ladybug Stilinski
When Stiles adopts a vampire kitten, no one really believes him. "It's like the vampire abyss stared into the werewolf abyss and decided they need to be bros," Stiles whispers, horrified.
2.4K words
Glued Cuteness
Glued Cuteness
Shouta was on his way to his second job, teaching at UA when he heard a pitiful meow.He frowned. He was cutting it quite close this time. He'd slept in on accident and-"Meow!"Zero times late to cla-"Meow!"Fuck it. (Alternatively: The story of how Aizawa Shouta adopted an adorable kitten that then threw everything into chaos.)
8.8K words
Care And Feeding
Care And Feeding
Derek desperately needs to fire the newest volunteer at the kitten nursery. Mostly because the guy keeps saying things.
2.6K words
Merlin's Kittens
Merlin's Kittens
Arthur's manservant is pregnant. He doesn't know how to feel about that.
1.6K words
Of kittens and teacups and love
Of kittens and teacups and love
Modern AU in which Charles and Erik are flatmates. Charles studies psychology and likes tea and chess and keeps bringing home stray kittens, and Erik lets him because he's maybe perhaps a little bit sort of in love with him.
4.9K words
Gimme Shelter
Gimme Shelter
Bucky loves his job at the animal shelter, but he's not so good with people. His boss Nick wants him fired, he's barely scraping by on his salary, and don't even ask about his family. Steve wants to adopt a dog for company. Will either of them find what they're looking for? Stucky, angst and puppies. I made a playlist too...
93.3K words
Extra Sugar
Extra Sugar
All the bonus scenes, deleted scenes, alternate versions of scenes, short snippets, and extra tidbits from this series. Some are canonical but just don't fit the main storyline; some might be early versions or alternate versions of scenes. Some might be porn, some are just fluff. Check notes and such on individual chapters, since they'll vary! *chapter 32 - the last chapter! - added August 10, 2020*
112.5K words
Kitty Love
Kitty Love
Five years after the fall of Wall Maria, a new problem has risen. Tension between the two remaining walls was inevitable, but now it was an all out war between walls Rose and Sina. Commander Erwin, one of the leading commanders on the side of wall Rose, has humanity's strongest, Levi Ackerman, as his right hand man. But when Captain Levi goes on a scouting mission and finds a young neko boy named Eren in the destruction caused by the war, his life will undoubtedly change forever.
138.4K words
My World
My World
Various Reader-Inserts with Bleach Characters. There is some fluff.
21.8K words
The Blooming
The Blooming
It’s been two and a half years since that day in DC that changed Steve and Bucky’s lives, filled with pain, heartbreak, horrible setbacks and despair. But there's also been growth, laughter, friendship, and love, as Bucky and Steve worked not just to rebuild the old house where they once lived, but also the bond they've always shared, thicker than blood. And Steve loves Bucky so much it hurts. He always has, and it’s a secret he’s long learned how to keep to himself. But Bucky has secrets of his own, quite a few of them; some out of fear, and some because there are things precious to him that he wants to keep safe. But they've always been at their best when standing side by side. As they come face to face with even more changes and challenges, they’ll have to have faith in both each other and themselves, and believe that the roots they have laid down are steady and strong. If they can do that, and after long last admit their own truths, only then will the garden of their lives have the chance to bloom.That’s if, and only if, they can overcome the first secret Bucky has kept. Because Bucky has finally remembered everything Steve once was to him. And if Steve can survive it, his life will never be the same.
251.9K words
I'll never wear your broken crown.
I'll never wear your broken crown.
The Avengers are the governments shoddy attempt to make up for years of oppressive rule and put back the 'pride' in being a human-cat hybrid. And fine, Tony will play ball. He'll fight the bad guys and pose for the cameras, he'll even let a bunch of misfits move into his tower, and he might even come to call them family; but nobody is crowning him prom queen. We're all agreed he'd be terrible at leading a pride right? All in favor of dismissing the motion, say aye.
305.6K words
The Heart May Be A Lonely Hunter, But the Cat Isn't Anymore
The Heart May Be A Lonely Hunter, But the Cat Isn't Anymore
“Kind of an ugly thing, isn’t it?” Stiles asks. Derek turns a glare on him. “Why are you even here?” Stiles grins. “Because you plus a kitten is hilarious, Danny Zuko,” he says, reaching over and scratching the kitten’s neck. The thing takes a swipe at him and takes a chunk of his arm with it. Stiles jolts backwards, trips over his own feet, and ends up on his ass on the floor. Derek looks back at Deaton. “How would I go about keeping her?” Or: The one where Derek gets a kitten because of reasons.
4.6K words
I Shouldn't Have To
I Shouldn't Have To
Out of adversity can come change and personal growth. Sometimes it's easier to settle for second best, sometimes we don't even realise we're doing it, perhaps we feel like we don't deserve better. When disaster strikes, it can be the wake-up call we need to reassess our life, to see that what we have is lacking. The courage to say, 'I'm not going to take it anymore!'
182.3K words
Black Holes & Revelations
Black Holes & Revelations
Five times Keith gets distracted by Lance's waist and one time it happens the other way around; needless to say, it's not always entirely convenient.
26.2K words
(Dude that title) Ch 1: Reader's Master Jack comes home smelling like Jesse's rut from working with Gabe all day. Poor pup's got no one to help him through. Magnanimous Reader offers her services. Ch 2: Reader thanks Masters Jack and Gabriel. Ch 3: Reader gets in some quality Shimada Heat Sex. Ch 4: Jack, Gabe, and Jesse come home. They are greeted very, very warmly. Ch 5: Pregnant Reader relaxes her Master, and then wakes up in a whole new nest with her Mates. Ch 6: KITTENSNew (last) chapter added! Work now completed!
17.9K words
Rattlesnake of the Day
Rattlesnake of the Day
The Castle was damaged, limping along through space with half an engine working and only a handful of Marmora fighter ships and three working lions to tug it along. The nearest hospitable solar system was the one that held Earth. They headed for Keith’s shack in the desert.
6.9K words
Oh, You Know That I'd Do Anything for You
Oh, You Know That I'd Do Anything for You
The fact that Harry uses his right hand to pull the edge of the pocket open has alarm bells going off in Louis’ head, and honestly, he should have known. Should have known this would happen, sooner or later, so it’s not even a surprise when Harry works his left hand free of his jacket and there’s a tiny little cat clinging to his fingers.
2.7K words
In the aftermath of a battle Hulk asks for help rescuing kittens.
1.2K words
Cat's Out of the Bag
Cat's Out of the Bag
Steve has been blatantly avoiding Tony, and Tony thinks he knows why. Hindsight 20/20, he had no freaking clue.
1.4K words
[Won't Someone Come] Rescue Me
[Won't Someone Come] Rescue Me
Big things are coming soon to The Wayward Heart Band; then lead singer and guitarist Jensen discovers a box of abandoned kittens, and his personal future starts to look just as bright as his professional one.
12.8K words
Mycroft's Secrets
Mycroft's Secrets
Something's off with your brother. Sherlock's reply came when he had just sat down with a cup of tea and the paper. And you only noticed that now? John chuckled into his tea. Good point. He asked a favor. The answer came very fast this time. Don't do it. Whatever it is, don't. Too late, I already agreed. It's harmless. Just a lab test. It's Mycroft. Harmless is not an adjective fit to describe my brother.
5.9K words
the waiting game
the waiting game
Viktor is up to something, Yuri knows it.
1.7K words
Always Find Their Kind
Always Find Their Kind
Hogwarts is nothing like Robbie thought it would be. He hates it, and despite what Glanni says, he really doesn't think it's going to get better.
70.3K words
And we're still fighting.
727 words
Healing Pro-purr-ties
Healing Pro-purr-ties
Jensen gets sick. Jared and Jinnie take care of him in their own special ways.
877 words
Talkin' Texas
Talkin' Texas
Jared takes Jensen out to dinner. Jensen starts talking Texas, Jared starts riding Jensen like a cowboy, and a good time is had by all.
2.0K words
I Can Haz Boifrend?
I Can Haz Boifrend?
Jared and Jensen define their relationship and go to bed together, but there's a furry four-legged obstacle in the way.
1.8K words
A Very Good Morning
A Very Good Morning
Jared and Jensen get snowed in. Jared cooks breakfast and Jensen expresses his gratitude.
1.6K words
Nightmares and Kittens
Nightmares and Kittens
Hi, there! This is my very first fan fiction!! I have been a member here for over a year, just being an avid reader. Now, I join the many talented authors and hope my story is up to the challenge. The story takes place after Civil War. The reader is the neurologist summoned by King T’challa to help heal Bucky’s brain from Hydra’s torture. It follows the path of friendship between you, Steve, Tony, and Bucky. Maybe a little something more with Bucky… And there is Bucky with kittens. I mean, come on... I hope you enjoy!!
7.8K words
Is That a Paintbrush In Your Pocket, Or...You Know The Rest
Is That a Paintbrush In Your Pocket, Or...You Know The Rest
Jared ropes Jensen into helping him with a DIY cat playset.
979 words