Wishes and Family
"-ase be forewarned that your child may be in danger because of the entities 'Ohne' and 'Exde' who are known to contract with children and teenagers. We have yet met an adult 'Magical'. All 'Magical' can be easily identified by the silver bracelet and a colored square on their middle fingernail-"
Dropping his soda, Tommy stares at the television while his father and two older brothers stare at him. Stare at the silver bracelet on his wrist and his middle fingernail. "Tommy?" Phil says slowly, a look of disbelief and denial on his face, "Did Tubbo really give you that bracelet?"
Tubbo kept his hands behind his back, looking at the wall, guilt and panic growing in his chest as his father, Schlatt, looking desperate and tired. "Tubbo, tell me you're not- Tubbo show me your hands." Tubbo takes in a deep breath, shoulders trembling as he kept his hands behind his back. That's confirmation enough. "Tubbo."
Ranboo didn't have anyone, he lived alone in his apartment. Which is kind of perfect as he welcomes Tommy and Tubbo inside, both looking haggard and teary-eyed. They ran and came to him. He hugs them both and comforts them.