Been running from a man who tried to kill me in my dreams
Percy’s mother was nice, pretty, caring and terribly unlucky.
Percy knew that. He knew that his mother had been through a lot, and he also knew that the tale she had told him, about parents that died in plane crashes and uncles that died of cancer, was not the truth. Or at least not the entirety of it anyway. He still remembered the one time he had found this book squashed somewhere in the last nook of the bookshelf. It was a deep green and when he opened it the name Saffine Riddle was written on the upper left corner in neat letters.
Or: When a long forgotten letter resurfaces, secrets of the past start to unravel that might change the course of history forever.
Or: The one in which Sally is Voldemorts runaway squib daughter, the Gods have beef with the wizards, Percy is going through divine puberty, English weather sucks even more than usual, Dumbledore is suspicious, the Golden Trio are surprisingly apt detectives, the Slytherins fancy themselves traditionalists, everyone is prone to joining cults and Snape is just trying to teach potions.