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Angel in Devil's clothing
Angel in Devil's clothing
After getting a side job as a button man for Rose(Rosie), Allen(Alastor's human name) summons Lucifer to make a deal with him so he could easily catch his victims and avoid getting injured while doing his good excuse for a job to kill more people as well as have his own little meal. But, when his mother started to get sick a year later, Allen makes an offer to the king of hell in desperation for her to see her hopes for him to come true before she passes, as well as acknowledging the confusing feelings he has been ignoring for the short king. +Previous title: In Your Honor
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A Bump In The Road
You're Coming With Me
You're Coming With Me
Poplar, London. 1963. Patsy has returned from Hong Kong following her father's death. After a passionate reunion with Delia, they set about rebuilding their lives together. Delia begins her journey as a midwife, helped on by Val and Phyllis. Nonnatus house employs a new midwife in Lucille. Trixie suffers a relapse and both Patsy and Delia are battling with their own health, mental and physical - but seeking help is never easy. Everything comes to a head when Patsy suspects abuse within a family and Nonnatus House is shaken by a tragedy. A fic based loosely off series 7 if Patsy and Delia were to not disappear and travel the globe. Written as close to the style of the show and its characters as possible with some original characters and plot twists to be had along the way. EDIT: This fic is on hiatus due to personal circumstances. I will come back to it though, I promise!
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She Said She’d Do It Again
read our constellations
read our constellations
And Trent’s not a mess! He’s not. He’s got his life entirely together. He chose to reveal his source and give up his position with The Independent. He chose to start chasing book authorship as his new branch of his career tree. He chose his flat, and his car, and his life, down to the brands of tea he buys and the sorts of people he spends time with and the sheet sets he puts on his and Beatrice’s beds. He’s an adult man, for Christ’s sake. Of course, he’s got his life together. Everything is under his control, and it’s all fine. It’s entirely, completely, fully fine. Taking one last steadying breath, Trent opens his eyes and looks over the line of seven tests on the counter: the first he took a few hours ago, and the six he just took since. Each and every last one of them says he’s pregnant. Some have plus signs, some have two lines, some simply have the word pregnant. All of them may as well come together to form a little sign reading, Congratulations, Trent! You did it! You’ve finally made a goddamn bloody mess out of everything! Just wait until you have to tell Ted! Trent’s stomach turns for more reasons than one.
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