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You Were Made To Be Mine
You Were Made To Be Mine
Louis Tomlinson takes his 6 year old son Jacob to see Harry Styles in concert. Jacob has been a huge fan of Harry's for as long as he can remember, so it's a dream come true when Harry notices him in the pit. But Jacob isn't all that Harry has his eye on... Louis is a bit embarrassed when Harry picks on him from the stage, but when he's invited backstage after the show, he wonders what Harry Styles could possibly want with a single dad and his kid from Manchester...
619.6K words
Moth and Flame
Moth and Flame
Keith has been coming back to Altea Tattoos for months now, and it has little to do with the fact that his best friend is the piercer and more to do with the beautiful tattoo artist with talented hands and a smile that makes him weak at the knees. Lance has had a lot of customers in his days, left his mark on plenty of people, but none so memorable as Keith. He finds himself turning to the door with every chime of the bell, hoping to see eyes like the night sky and a shy smile that could rival the moon. When they meet at a concert, the spark between them ignites, creating a heat that’s impossible to resist. They’re both inexplicably drawn to each other. Like a moth to a flame. Chapter One - Main Oneshot, 29k wordsChapter Two - Sequel Oneshot, 4.2k words
33.3K words
Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars
"Don't know, but people go crazy for him. He's vulgar and rude and doesn't care what people think of him. And his songs are really catchy," Denki explains. Izuku isn't sure about that last part, but whatever. Izuku doesn't have to like the music in order to take pictures of the musician. -- Photographer Izuku is dropped from his publication when he gets into a social media feud with pop sensation, Katsuki, over an unflattering photo. Out of spite, he then takes a job offer from a trashy, but well-known, tabloid magazine. It's not his dream job, but he'll definitely be able to get his revenge on the singer by taking paparazzi photos and getting paid for it. Maybe it'll blow up in his face. Maybe not.
98.2K words
The misadventure of the Futa High
The misadventure of the Futa High
Life fucks you or you get fucked.According to this credo, the girls of this school experience many adventures, one after another.Sometimes voluntarily, sometimes involuntarily.Some of the students look similar to some stars, celebrities and so on.Some are even related.
90.2K words
The time when Jungkook fainted on stage and gave his hyungs a heart attack
The time when Jungkook fainted on stage and gave his hyungs a heart attack
He could feel his body sway over and Jungkook thought that he caught his balance, but suddenly the floor was tilting, everything going sideways, and the thud of a dead weight hitting the ground shook the stage.
2.9K words
turn and face the strange
turn and face the strange
“I’m coming, man. Jeez. This isn’t life or death.” Steve opens the driver’s side door roughly. “Alcohol thins your blood. Lose too much and it will be life or death.” “It’s just a flesh wound,” Eddie insists in a bad British accent as he plops down in the passenger seat. When Steve only gives him a blank look, his grin falls. “Monty Python and the Holy Grail? No? Come on, dude, how do you work at a video store?” (Or: The aftermath begins to set in. Sometimes, comfort can be found in the oddest of places.)
86.9K words
die young, stay pretty
die young, stay pretty
The Marauders are an up-and-coming, punk-rock band who has just lost their bassist before their first national tour. Remus Lupin is perhaps the best bassist in London. "Great set," he smirked. "Thank you." he said, dryly. He smiled either way, stopping when they were close enough to be able to hear each other, "I'm Sirius Black, nice to meet you." The bassist huffed a laugh, "I know who you are," "You do?" Sirius said, an eyebrow quirking upwards. "Yes. What's wrong with your face?"
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Babysitting Grief
Babysitting Grief
[Spoilers for 3x05 - Mature until Chapter 21] Set after the events of 'Are you from Pinner?' Eve is stunned when Konstantin approaches her outside a pub on a dreary London day, frantically offering her the world in return for one last favour. Eve is reluctant until she realises that she is the only person in the world for the job. Sent on a road trip to distract the pair, she finds herself struggling through both her emotions and Villanelle's and learning about the why - why Villanelle is like she is, why she is drawn to her inexplicably, and why that bus moment actually happened.
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You and your friend were sure you will get tickets to see BTS in this summer in London. However, things didn’t work out quite how you’ve imagined it. ~ Or rather a story about how the guys stumbled into your life and unimaginable twists and turns follow. Bear with me, first timer here.
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you’re the song stuck in my head (and i don’t ever want it to stop playing)
you’re the song stuck in my head (and i don’t ever want it to stop playing)
“So I’m Takami Keigo, also known as Hawks, and—be my boyfriend.” Touya just stares at him for a long time, halfway through setting away his bass. (Oh crap. Maybe he should have waited until tomorrow? But he swears that he can feel as though Chikazoku might be lurking about, so he should do this as fast as possible.) “Not like for real,” Hawks hastens to add. “It’s just that—there’s a guy who won’t take no for an answer from me, and I need you to be my shield.”
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Young In Love - LawLu AU
You've Been My Muse for a Long Time
You've Been My Muse for a Long Time
There aren’t many instances in which Henry would claim he exhibits a colorful vocabulary. In fact, he could likely list them on one hand: when wretched people say the most bigoted things, when the local grocer has run out of their Jaffa Cake stock in the minuscule international aisle, when he gets bored and resorts to writing homoerotic poetry in his moleskin journal with a fountain pen like some lovelorn literary scholar from the eighteenth century. And now, when he’s assigned to a gig he doesn’t want to be at. As in, he would rather publish said poetry to the unrelenting, merciless masses of the internet than be at this gig. “You must be bloody fucking kidding me.” - Or, When Rolling Stone names Alex Claremont-Diaz as the number one rising star to look out for, Henry is tasked with the sole responsibility of photographing him for their cover shot. Which, truly, wouldn’t be an issue—it’s an incredible opportunity—except Henry doesn’t trust that miscreant to be within ten feet of him ever since The Incident™
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Second Date
Second Date
The first date was pretty uneventful for Apollo and Klaiver. The second, on the other hand, was when they started to really click.
2.2K words
Lazarus Rising
Lazarus Rising
During his one month break between tours, Dean's found himself in his hometown of Lawrence, Kansas. While the rest of the band is off spending their downtime with family, Dean's found himself falling for the mysterious guy from the Roadhouse. Spending every single day together. He was closed off, dark, and strange. But it's what Dean found alluring. He also loved the fact that Mr. Mysterious didn't know who the hell he is.Dean's left broken hearted, sad, and utterly confused.
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Conquest of Bread 2: Eating Toothpaste
Rise of Change
Rise of Change
A Relationship begins in a tiny guitar shop off of the coast of California. What Will Follow?
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Welcome to the new age
Welcome to the new age
Castiel always wished to attend a concert, strict family or not.
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Pink Hat and Good Music
Pink Hat and Good Music
Outside of the bar and work Alex and Maggie haven't seen one another since Maggie broke Alex's heart until now when they decide to go to a concert together. Between the music, the heat, and that pink hat Alex is wearing, Maggie can't deny her feelings anymore. *** When i first uploaded this it didn't upload with the entire story but i fixed it so now the entire story is here *** My pseud has changed: PREVIOUSLY SOAC
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