He clicks on the link. It redirects him to twitter, and Zoro goes still immediately once the post opens, his eyes widening as the pictures load. Whatever he's been expecting, it surely wasn't that._OR Sanji is the proud owner of a femboy account and posts adult content to the internet to get by in life; Zoro just happens to like the man's smile (and content). Shenanigans ensue.
When Zoro has one foot in each world after his fight with Mihawk, Sanji's voice seems to bring him back from the brink.
Little do they know what this means and what will unfold.
/“Sleep well. They’re worried about you.”
Sanji doesn’t expect a response but Zoro’s face turning in his direction with his eyes still closed like he’s looking for him somehow makes Sanji pause. Sanji furrows his brows and approaches again.
“Can you–can you hear me?” He feels like a fool saying it out loud but he swears Zoro perks up from hearing it. Sanji suddenly breaks out into a cold sweat.
“Well, this is insane.” Sanji has to voice out loud the complete obvious.