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You'll Breathe Me In (You Won't Release)
You'll Breathe Me In (You Won't Release)
His first driving lesson with Louis takes place on a Saturday. Harry stumbles out through the front gate in thrown-on baggy jeans and his ratty Ramones shirt, sees Louis leaning casually against the car, and his knees nearly give out. Apparently "not another surly teacher" meant a drop dead gorgeous twenty-something scruffy guy with shaggy brown hair and cheekbones sharp enough to chop a salad with. Clearly, Robin's trying to get Harry killed at seventeen. Or, the AU where Louis is a 25-year-old driving instructor and Harry is a 17-year-old virgin who's really awful at seduction, except for the time he gets Louis to fall for him and fuck him senseless and take him on kinky adventures.
95.4K words
All Eyes on Me
All Eyes on Me
Yuuri, under the username of Eros, is a size queen omega who most certainly does not have an obsession with fellow camboy and legendary silver-haired alpha Aria. Just like Phichit is not the most meddlesome roommate known to man.
157.1K words
makes the heart grow fonder
makes the heart grow fonder
“Ah!” says the innkeeper, as the rowdy crowd finishes singing a song about Geralt’s heroics and segues seamlessly into a saccharine love ballad about the fairytale romance between the daughter of a baron and a lowly bard. “This song, it’s by the very same bard who sang those songs about you, Master Witcher! So in love, he is, with his beautiful lady.” “Oh, it’s so romantic,” sighs the barmaid dreamily. “That handsome bard, marrying a noble lady!” Geralt squints up at them doubtfully. “This…bard,” he says. “Dark hair, blue eyes, never shuts up?” “Aye,” the innkeeper says. “That’s the one.”
5.8K words
Finding Real Love
Finding Real Love
*At the young age of twelve, Carmilla's life was shattered when she was snatched away from the life that she thought was hers and was thrown to a new one full of obligations and responsibilities; a strange new life that she must live and a new identity she must accept. After discovering who she really was, Carmilla had to commit her life to become the new her; obeying everything that was required of her even if it meant changing what she really was... until she discovered the truth. Love does not judge. Real love sees into your heart and soul. (Arranged Marriage Medieval AU)
519.8K words
Life Debts
Mutually satisfying weirdness
Mutually satisfying weirdness
"I'm lost," Stark admits. "Are you secretly marrying Steve without telling him?"
4.5K words
Dipper just wanted to have a normal college life- well, as normal as one could have it while continuing to research the mysteries of Gravity Falls. He did NOT intend to have to deal with losing all of his work just as he needed it the most. He also did not intend to have a demon be his only chance of getting it back.
105.9K words
Safe Distance
Safe Distance
The mother was apparently poisoned, the son seems to have killed himself playing Russian roulette. It's a murder and a suicide. Or is it a suicide and a murder? At least the case is distracting John from the fact that sex with Sherlock was probably a mistake right from the start. John will learn to cope, one way or another.
114.9K words
A Soft Kidnapping
A Soft Kidnapping
Tom glanced through the window of the apothecary as he walked by it, but as Tom was about to continue, his eyes landed on a small figure, and his feet stopped automatically. In the warm lighting of the store, a child dressed in a red furred jacket was sitting on the floor near the door. Chubby, rosy red cheeks were puffed out in a pout. Big emerald eyes glistened with angry tears, and the child’s ink black hair was disheveled. He looked to be around two or so years old. There was an odd throb in chest at the sight, and Tom futilely tried to push down the wave of greed and possessiveness. The child was...adorable, as reluctant as he was to use the word.---DO NOT TRANSLATE WITHOUT PERMISSION
49.3K words
I See Fire
I See Fire
Jeon Jungkook is an aspiring Knight Scholar with only one step left between himself and true Knight Scholarship: his treatise voyage. Jungkook’s chosen treatise topic? Dragons. Specifically the legendary “Council of Dragons.” He wants an eyewitness account. But with tensions with dragons at an all-time high, his professors warn him of the dangers involved in pursuing that topic. But Jungkook is not afraid of danger, not when the risk is worth the reward, and anyway he has his own reasons for his interest in dragons. But what happens when Jungkook’s journey leads him into the hearts of a six membered clan of high dragons in the midst of preparing for a possible war with humankind? Can Jungkook somehow bridge the gap between human and dragon, and between heart and home?
128.0K words
A Curse, A Choice, A Claim
A Curse, A Choice, A Claim
Magnus is turned into a dragon and appears to be stuck that way. (This is not how he pictured his Tuesday going.) Alec is called to handle a disturbance that involves a dragon and meets a creature that is scared and in need of protection. Within minutes of meeting each other, they are inseparable, with Alec taking responsibility for the small dragon, and Magnus taking advantage of the protection offered by the shadowhunter. Neither of them is expecting a convenient arrangement for them both to evolve into something much, much more.
106.6K words
A Bit of a Surprise
A Bit of a Surprise
When the rain sends Naruto and Kakashi inside, Kakashi is surprised, horrified, and far too interested in what happens next. He's a sensei...he can teach. Shameful (shameless?) PWP KakaNaru! --Now with an updated smutty third chapter!
15.7K words
Why Scarves Are Useful
Why Scarves Are Useful
Sherlock had never been one to share, but that didn't seem to dissuade the world from flirting with that which was rightfully his. So, Sherlock decides that it's time to leave some undeniable evidence that John Watson is his. He'll leave it so thoroughly, John will need a scarf to hide the marks Sherlock leaves behind.
3.6K words
Make Me Yours
Make Me Yours
Tony, Bucky and Steve meet the latest member of Tony’s kink club. Peter, a submissive new to the scene, is unaware that the club is Mafia owned and has found himself under the guidance of a dominant who puts them on edge. Until they step in. ~~~ I do not give consent for my works to be posted by anyone else, including but not limited to this site, Wattpad or listed on Goodreads. Please respect that.
76.9K words
Just the Right Amount of Wrong
Just the Right Amount of Wrong
Harvey and Mike go to Vegas for business. Harvey's never been good at sharing his things.
6.6K words
Brooklyn's Sweetheart
Brooklyn's Sweetheart
Bucky and Steve had always been meant to keep her safe and happy. As far as anyone else was concerned, that was their sole reason for being alive.Unfortunately, the things that kept her safe were not always the things that kept her happy. Lately, she was making it pretty damn hard for them to compromise. "Sweetheart," Steve pins her with a sharp look, that muscle in his jaw ticking, "Don't make this harder on yourself." "You said not to go out the front door," she says defiantly, lips set in a pout, "You didn't say anything about the window." Bucky is immediately on edge from the dark, feral look in Steve's eyes. Without warning, Steve grabs her by the upper arm, dragging her over to the sofa, and yanking her down to lay over his lap. She's too shocked for anything to come out of her mouth except for an indignant little shriek. "If you want to act like a little brat," Steve growls, "Then I'm sure as shit gonna treat you like one." He looks up at Bucky, who is still standing in the middle of the living room. "How many, Buck?" "How many?" "How many times should I spank her? How many does she deserve?" Well, Bucky has to stop and think that one through.
110.9K words
you drive me wild (you know you do)
you drive me wild (you know you do)
Their management informs them that they have an interview right before the ARIAs, and it isn't until he's in a suit, seated on a couch between Liam and Zayn, that he gets the idea. The interviewer, Angus, smiles at them, right before the cameras roll on, and a metaphorical light bulb goes off inside Louis' head. He's perfect. Well, not as perfect as Harry, but enough. He's attractive, attractive enough to drive Harry crazy, and he doesn't even think of the consequences of his actions, just decides right then. It's all Harry's fault anyway. Louis should be allowed to have a little fun. (or: Louis flirts with the Australian interviewers and Harry gets possessive.)
6.6K words
It isn’t a problem until it is, suddenly—Jeongguk’s massive, disgusting crush on his roommate.
12.8K words
Dark Possession
Dark Possession
Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world. It is said that children conceived under the effects of Amortentia are unable to feel love, but what wasn't known was that the degree of which it affected the child conceived depended on the amount of Amortentia administered over a given period of time to the party involved. It was a little known fact that one James Potter started dousing his love with Amortentia when he was so sure that his love would never bear fruit, having been rebuffed time and time again. It was an even less known fact that one Lily Evans started dousing James Potter with Amortentia before he even knew she existed. Even when the two joined in marriage, and produced a child, they never stopped administering the deadly love potion to their partner up until the very end. Harry J. Potter was the result of their shared infatuation, and his capacity for love was much, much lower than usual. So low, in fact, that when he started developing a little obsession of his own, he swore to obtain it at any cost...
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Mating Call
Mating Call
After Arthur is wounded by a magical beast during a hunting trip, he starts displaying some odd changes in behavior. Not only is he even more of an insufferable prat than usual, but he also seems to have found a new and concerning affinity for his manservant's scent. Poor Merlin is in over his head...
15.3K words
“It makes me feel like a princess,” she admitted. “Just like in the stories. A fair maiden locked away in a far-off turret. Knowing that any strapping young knights wanting to court me will have to earn their way past the fierce, jealous dragon who guards my door. It’s quite comforting.” Rhaenyra grinned sleepily. “A princess in a what now?” Incredible. She could actually hear Alicent rolling her eyes. “In a high tower, yes, you’re very clever, Rhaenyra. Gods, why do I talk to you.”
10.7K words
How to Court the Prettiest Omega Ever in Five Years or Less
How to Court the Prettiest Omega Ever in Five Years or Less
Imagine the world of PJatO, but with Alphas, Betas and Omegas. Percy was used to being bullied at school for being a male Omega, he was used to the disgusting threats Smelly Gabe made concerning his future once he'd mature as an Omega (thank the gods they got rid of Gabe before that happened). He also got used to not being taken seriously as a hero, because all ancient heroes had been Alphas. He always, always fought harder than others, because being an Omega stood in his way. He always fought against being an Omega, fought his very nature. Now the wars are over and Percy is still fighting his Omega-side - because his Omega-side really wants to tear Will Solace apart limb by limb for being all over Percy's Alpha. The only problem? Nico isn't Percy's. That is, until Percy's heat hits...
18.9K words
It's Not as Easy as Just Wandering into A Forest and Killing the Witch
It's Not as Easy as Just Wandering into A Forest and Killing the Witch
This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Ron wasn't supposed to get captured by a plant while searching for the witch. He wasn't supposed to be naked when it happened. He wasn't supposed to have to rely on the witch for help escaping. The witch wasn't supposed to be cute.
251.0K words
The Perks of Being Married
The Perks of Being Married
“We are getting married.” Taehyung says at last. Jungkook looks back at him, “We are.” “I should tell you beforehand that I have no interest in falling in love with you or having an actual married life with you.” Taehyung states. Jungkook laughs before holding Taehyung’s waist and pulling him close. “I can assure you that the feeling is mutual. I don’t have any interest in falling in love with you either.” he says, his grip firm on Taehyung’s waist. “You’re not my type.”
60.0K words
"Why the fuck are you here?” Adam frowns, expression one of almost childish displeasure. “Because you need help with computers,” he repeats. “Security systems. They all speak the same language, Nigel, it doesn’t matter what the system is, I can talk to it. Can you talk to it?” Nigel starts to answer, perhaps just a profanity to fill the air and return the room to a semblance of its former displeased normalcy, but the kid interrupts him. “No, otherwise you wouldn’t need me to do that for you.” Nigel does not need another man on his team for this heist. He doesn't fucking need one. And he certainly doesn't need Adam fucking Raki, but there he fucking is.
52.2K words
The Vampire Hotel
The Vampire Hotel
College can be expensive, as Laura Hollis discovers when she finds herself unexpectedly forced to find a way to pay for tuition and rent. (And cookies) Unable to find a job that won't take exception to the accidental destruction of their property, Laura decides to take a more drastic measure, selling her blood to vampires. In a world where vampires live openly, is there a chance that a tiny gay and a broody gay might find each other? A helpful matchmaking big sister definitely couldn't hurt their odds.
81.0K words
sun, desert, flame
sun, desert, flame
Every year, Tighnari disappears for two weeks. He doesn't tell anyone where he is going, or why, and whoever dares to ask him about it is silenced with a pointed glare. This year, Cyno runs into him by accident. Even from the distance Cyno can see the dilation of Tighnari’s pupils, the flush creeping all the way down Tighnari’s neck. Vaguely he registers that Tighnari is not wearing his usual ranger outfit but loose-fitting white robes instead, bound around his waist but slipping off his shoulders, showing more skin than they’re hiding. Tighnari’s hair is matted with sweat, sticking to his skin.
27.6K words
You're from the Horrortale universe. A universe where everyone has suffered-including your favourite skeleton brothers. You were 18 when you fell to the underground-a lot has changed in the four years you've been there. Somehow, along the way, you'd convinced the butcher himself to not slice you into mince meat, and even moved in with them at some point. Nowadays, you spend your time struggling to survive WITH the skeletons, rather than against them (thank god).Though things are about to take a drastic turn. You thought one pair of skeletons was strange enough- try 8 for size.
158.5K words
his scarlet ibis
his scarlet ibis
He remembers when Loki was first brought home: a wailing, shrieking bundle tucked into his mother's arms. His parents had gazed at the infant with such awe, obviously smitten no matter how loud Loki cried, how much he scratched at the hands that reached for him. Thor disliked his baby brother instantly.
34.1K words
four dreams in a row where you were burned
four dreams in a row where you were burned
“Who the fuck are you?” “Steve Rogers.” Steve straightens, looks Bucky in the eye. Remembers all the times he’s said this, in a future that this world will never see. “I’m your friend.” “Steve Rogers,” Bucky repeats, mouth twisting bitterly. “Captain America. The same Captain America who’s buried in ice, who fucking sacrificed his fool ass to stop the Red Skull, who crashed a motherfucking plane into goddamn ice nine days ago.” “Twelve,” Steve corrects a little numbly, because that’s the easiest part he can address. “I went down on February 2nd. It took them a while to determine whether or not to let the public know. To weigh the demoralization my death will cause against the vengeful heroics my sacrifice will inspire. Clearly, they decided on the latter eventually, but I’ve been told it was pretty close.” _ When Steve uses the last of his Pym Particles to travel to 1944 and save his best friend, he doesn’t have a plan beyond leaving behind the battlefield and living his life alongside the people he loves. But time has a will of its own.
75.1K words
Midnight Lover
Midnight Lover
Viktor Nikiforov, figure skating god and human trainwreck, flies halfway across the world from the only home he's ever known in a last-ditch attempt to salvage his life. His demons follow him faithfully. Katsuki Yuuri, reticent vampire and trouble magnet, pulls a drowning man out of the ocean on a whim and winds up with an unconscious human celebrity in his house. He knows it's a mistake to keep him. Viktor wakes, Yuuri stays, and they get too attached too fast. In which Viktor is running from himself, and Yuuri is not anyone's savior.
229.4K words
the state of belonging
the state of belonging
“Itadori-senpai!” she said, out of breath. Yuuji turned to give her his attention, friendly smile on his face.“Oh, hey, Emi. What’s up?”“This is for you!”She bowed slightly, holding out a bento and avoiding eye contact. Yuuji looked surprised. Megumi felt his jaw clench.~Yuuji and Megumi and their jealousy.
5.1K words