Roy (5:59pm): JAYRoy (5:59pm): DID YOU SEND A THREAT TO THE WATCHTOWERRoy (6:00pm): ?????
The reply came just a minute later, Roy sparing one glance to the chatting Justice League before looking back down.
Jay (6:01pm): NahJay (6:01pm): Was I supposed to?Jay (6:02pm): Also, that’s not a dinner dish. Try again, Ed Sheeran
Or: How Wally West, Roy Harper, and Kon-El Kent remembered that not everyone just knows the Batfam.
Or or: Three times the Justice League needed Batman but conveniently couldn’t get a hold of him. Good thing he has trained bat associates! Wait, what?
And the one time they realised it was a whole family.
Jason never answers the phone. Not when it's Bruce calling. And recently, he's been calling a lot. Not that Jason can fault him, since he has only just finally appeared in the wild after having vanished after the explosion. Jason would never admit it, but he listens to every voicemail, reads every message, and rarely even chuckles at Bruce's stupid millennial memes. Though one concerning voicemail sends Jason barrelling back to the manor like a freight train.