Roy (5:59pm): JAYRoy (5:59pm): DID YOU SEND A THREAT TO THE WATCHTOWERRoy (6:00pm): ?????
The reply came just a minute later, Roy sparing one glance to the chatting Justice League before looking back down.
Jay (6:01pm): NahJay (6:01pm): Was I supposed to?Jay (6:02pm): Also, that’s not a dinner dish. Try again, Ed Sheeran
Or: How Wally West, Roy Harper, and Kon-El Kent remembered that not everyone just knows the Batfam.
Or or: Three times the Justice League needed Batman but conveniently couldn’t get a hold of him. Good thing he has trained bat associates! Wait, what?
And the one time they realised it was a whole family.
Kal'dur said, "Who exactly is a Wayne?"
Kara said, "This stupidly rich celebrity family out of Gotham. Bruce Wayne is infamous for adopting a lot of kids. But we can't all be dating a Wayne, right?"
"It's not mathematically possible," Kon began. "Is it?"
The silence in the room was deafening. Roy seemed to be counting his fingers.
Roy Harper makes an off-hand comment about being invited to the Wayne Holiday Gala, and Artemis mentions that her and Wally have also been invited to the Gala. It doesn't take long for Jon, Kon, Kara, Steph and Clark to join in. They can't all possibly be dating a Wayne, right?
(Tagged mature for swearing and spice but no smut)
Finally; Wally and Dick are married and starting a Family. Only the Justice League doesn't know that. They are quite confused by Flash interacting with his Father-in-law.
5 times the JLA is confused about what is going on and one time they know.
Nightwing is the newest member of the Justice League! Or at least, that's what he tells everyone that he runs into at the watchtower. But now, the watchtower is taken over and what will the leaguers do?
Peter Parker ends up in a strange city after the fight on the statue of liberty: so instead of having to be swallowed by depression (he still does get swallowed by depression, this is Peter Parker we're talking about), he gets to start a new life in... Gotham?
(THIS IS MCU!PETER PARKER, just to clarify ^-^)
(Inspired off of Dark Matter by Mysterycyclone)
(Rated Teen for swearing and violence, nothing major)
When Sirius falls through the Veil, Lupin is too slow to stop Harry from following. Now, stranded on a new Earth, Harry must build a new life with new friends. Naturally, all his friends happen to be superheroes. Did he really think his life was crazy before? With new enemies deadlier than he's ever faced, Harry must work with his new Team to survive and maybe even save the world.Cross-posted from FF.Net.
Barry can't handle being around his team after his dad is killed and Zoom is gone. Before he can take off and make things worse, creating Flashpoint, Leonard Snart stops him and makes him an offer to join the Rogues. But not as a Speedster. Leonard Snart wants the brain behind the mask.
Barry takes a chance and joins the Rogues while letting Hartley Rathaway convince him to go back to school and get his PhD.
Along the way, Barry finds he ended up with a whole new family. It takes some time, but he finds he never lost his old family either. It just took them a little while to remember he was as much Barry Allen, if not moreso, as he was the Flash.