Roy (5:59pm): JAYRoy (5:59pm): DID YOU SEND A THREAT TO THE WATCHTOWERRoy (6:00pm): ?????
The reply came just a minute later, Roy sparing one glance to the chatting Justice League before looking back down.
Jay (6:01pm): NahJay (6:01pm): Was I supposed to?Jay (6:02pm): Also, that’s not a dinner dish. Try again, Ed Sheeran
Or: How Wally West, Roy Harper, and Kon-El Kent remembered that not everyone just knows the Batfam.
Or or: Three times the Justice League needed Batman but conveniently couldn’t get a hold of him. Good thing he has trained bat associates! Wait, what?
And the one time they realised it was a whole family.
Finally; Wally and Dick are married and starting a Family. Only the Justice League doesn't know that. They are quite confused by Flash interacting with his Father-in-law.
5 times the JLA is confused about what is going on and one time they know.
Nightwing is the newest member of the Justice League! Or at least, that's what he tells everyone that he runs into at the watchtower. But now, the watchtower is taken over and what will the leaguers do?