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alcohol abuse/alcoholism

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Secrets and Masks
Secrets and Masks
9 years after the battle of Hogwarts, the war still rages on and everyone is much changed since their days at Hogwarts.Hermione is the most lethal soldier in The Order, spending her days on rescue missions to free captured Muggleborn slaves and fight on the front line. For years, she's been meeting in secret with a spy within Voldemort's ranks to exchange information.But when she's captured and made prisoner at Malfoy Manor, of all the dark and evil ways she'd envisioned Malfoy would torture her, she never quite imagined anything this horrific. I just wanted to make it abundantly clear that I was originally inspired to write this fic after I read the masterpiece that is Manacled, so I would like to thank SenLinYu for her amazing work! The memory searching aspect of Manacled is what inspired me, and although I have adapted that, (and also made Draco head Death Eater, because... ya know... we all love it when he's Voldemort's right hand man 😅😉), Secrets and Masks will be a very very different fic all together.
454.4K words
To Take a King in a Hellish Game of Chess
To Take a King in a Hellish Game of Chess
hazbin hotel (cartoon) lucifer magne | morningstar charlie magne | morningstar alastor (hazbin hotel) vaggie (hazbin hotel) angel dust (hazbin hotel) asmodeus fizzarolli (helluva boss) angels (hazbin hotel) alastor/lucifer magne | morningstar alastor & lucifer magne | morningstar charlie magne | morningstar & lucifer magne | morningstar asmodeus | ozzie (helluva boss) & lucifer magne | morningstar charlie magne | morningstar/vaggie asmodeus | ozzie/fizzarolli (helluva boss) alastor & charlie magne | morningstar rape/non-con elements rape aftermath dead dove: do not eat extremely dubious consent manipulation abusive relationships alcohol abuse/alcoholism Angst denial alastor is in hell for a reason (hazbin hotel) top alastor (hazbin hotel) alastor is bad at feelings (hazbin hotel) hurt lucifer bottom lucifer magne tentacles explicit sexual content sexual abuse lucifer needs a hug charlie wants to help her dad but can’t if he won’t tell her what’s going on m-preg lucifer is hermaphroditic extremely toxic relationship extremely toxic viewpoints to justify horrible things bad things happen to lucifer morningstar good daughter charlie possessive alastor (hazbin hotel) obsessive behavior demonic deals victim blaming unwanted pregnancy ownership enslavement suicidal thoughts suicidal ideation suicide attempt good friend asmodeus post-traumatic stress disorder - ptsd blood and injury blood and violence flashbacks dissociation gaslighting alastor/lucifer public/semi-public sex and nudity power play threats of violence radioapple appleradio stockholm syndrome angels — freeform angst and hurt/comfort pseudo-incest
Alastor was an ace of spades who had no fleshly desires at all — or so he thought. Then Lucifer Morningstar came along, and he felt things he’d never felt before. Lust. Fear. Desire. He felt threatened, and what better way to deal with a threat than to take control of that which was threatening, by any means necessary? Lucifer just wanted to be a good father to his daughter, Charlie. He never expected to be drugged to the point of weakness by one of her so-called “friends” and he certainly didn’t expect to become a victim of something as horrible and cruel as rape. What makes it worse is that the rape forces him to remember that his body is hermaphroditic in the worst way possible. Charlie just wants to reconnect with her father. But suddenly, he seems so small, so scared. Like a porcelain doll that will break if she so much as looks at him the wrong way. She doesn’t know what’s wrong — but she knows something IS wrong, and she wants, so badly, to help him. But how can she help him when he refuses to speak about it? And why is Alastor so much more coy and buddy-buddy than usual, too? Somehow, she thinks it’s connected to her father’s sudden meek temperament, and she doesn’t like it one bit.
46.7K words
Naked is the New Black
Naked is the New Black
harry potter - j. k. rowling sirius black remus lupin james potter Minerva McGonagall dorcas meadowes regulus black mary macdonald (harry potter) peter pettigrew alastor "mad-eye" moody marlene mckinnon lily evans poppy pomfrey sirius black/remus lupin sirius black & james potter sirius black & dorcas meadowes regulus black & sirius black minor james potter/lily evans - relationship sirius black & minerva mcgonagall remus lupin & lily evans potter remus lupin & mary macdonald remus lupin & alastor "mad-eye" moody remus lupin & poppy pomfrey minor or background relationship(s) marlene mckinnon/dorcas meadowes aristocrat sirius black tailor remus lupin welsh remus lupin pov sirius black sirius black-centric falling in love strangers to lovers slow burn muggle au modern au sort of alcohol abuse/alcoholism sirius black is not okay but he will be bad parent walburga black domestic abuse mostly past briefly referenced suicide attempt regulus black and sirius black angst angst with a happy ending it's gonna get worse before it gets better but it does get better not as angsty as it sounds - i promise supportive james potter minerva mcgonagall is housekeeper of godric hall wolfstar & healthy communication is the real ship flirting through the medium of buttons this whole fic is an excuse for remus to dress and undress sirius set in west england & wales sidequest in Tuscany fluff eventual smut fluff and smut sandwiched between a healthy does of angst and sexual frustration speaking of smut sirius black has a praise kink also a slight degradation kink remus has a kink for sirius in his suits anal fingering anal sex orgasm delay light dom/sub character development that's not smut but i can't rearrange the tags ah fuck it - the writer has a character development kink
He was Lord Sirius Black III, of the Noble and Most Ancient House, Duke of Sutherland, Marquess of Stafford, and Master of Godric Hall. He would not be sent into a tailspin by a simple tailor. He would not pine over a meagre suit. He was stunning, dripping in silver and black and deep shades of purple. It was him, his beauty, his body, not someone’s craft, that made him the powerful, imposing figure that commanded the attention of every insipid soul out there. More, they demanded. And he would be more. He would be everything. After the death of his father, Sirius takes up his place at the head of Britain's most influential aristocratic family. And Sirius is absolutely fine with it. After all, he has the wealth, the titles, the huge estate - plus everything money can buy. What more could he possibly want?But there’s something missing, a hollow ache he can’t ignore and that he's apparently determined to fill with suits. Which explains why he finds himself returning again and again to the quaint little atelier across the Welsh border. It certainly has nothing to do with the attractive tailor and his stupid smirk.
160.7K words
The Undoing of Dazai Osamu
The Undoing of Dazai Osamu
Literary Strray Dogs | bungou stray dogs dazai osamu (bungou stray dogs) mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) yumeno kyuusaku | q (bungou stray dogs) Akutagawa Ryunosuke (Bungo Stray Dogs) nakajima atsushi (bungou stray dogs) armed detective agency and port mafia ensembles (bungou stray dogs) former port mafia boss (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu & mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu/nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) (formerly) - relationship akutagawa ryuunosuke & dazai osamu (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu & yumeno kyuusaku | q (bungou stray dogs) other relationship tags to be added dazai osamu needs a hug (bungou stray dogs) dazai osamu is a mess (bungou stray dogs) dazai-typical suicide references (bungou stray dogs) nakahara chuuya is not okay (bungou stray dogs) mori ougai being an asshole (bungou stray dogs) creepy mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) bad person mori ougai (bungou stray dogs) armed detective agency member nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) alternate universe - dazai osamu remains with the port mafia (bungou stray dogs) well he's techincally dead but lets ignore that dead oda sakunosuke (bungou stray dogs) im sorry oda i wanted you to live but you'd be a hindrance to the plot i still love you emotional manipulation implied/referenced rape/non-con non-consensual drug use past rape/non-consensual sex emotional/psychological abuse sexual abuse blood and gore canon-typical violence no longer human | dazai osamu's ability (bungou stray dogs) vita sexualis | mori ogai's ability (bungo stray dogs) dazai is mori's ability teenage dazai osamu/nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs) nakahara chuuya leaves the port mafia (bungou stray dogs) alcohol abuse/alcoholism character death minor character death Self-harm implied/referenced sexual assault Amnesia temporary character death other additional tags to be added no beta we die like oda and his orphans the author regrets everything this time i actually do additional warnings in author's note i'm bad at tagging horrible actually
He will be Mori's ability, forever in his control and in his hands. They'll play their roles perfectly, Mori as the puppeteer and Dazai as his puppet. And if his dear Osamu ever refused to play his role, well...corpses can't do humane things because they're corpses, and Osamu Dazai was never human to begin with. So he'll always be a corpse and Mori will always be Mori. They'll be a perfect pair, together until the end. No matter how long it takes. ALTERNATE SUMMARY: Dazai Osamu died at the age of 15, found in his shipping container with his wrists slit and blood pooling beneath his frame. Then how is it possible, that despite his 'death', The Demon Prodigy of the Port Mafia is alive and well, seemingly younger in appearance and now completely in Mori's control. It's all a mess. A mess Chuuya will do anything to solve. Dazai playlist out now! --> Dazai Playlist!
22.9K words
The World’s Not Perfect (But It’s Not That Bad)
The World’s Not Perfect (But It’s Not That Bad)
the owl house (cartoon) Luz Noceda vee (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) Camila Noceda amity blight gus porter willow park Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos caleb wittebane evelyn (the owl house) mattholomule (the owl house) masha (the owl house) edric blight emira blight darius deamonne eda clawthorne raine whispers alador blight king clawthorne (the owl house) jerbo (the owl house) lilith clawthorne gwendolyn clawthorne dell clawthorne hunter | the golden guard & camila noceda & luz noceda & vee hunter | the golden guard & luz noceda Luz Noceda & Vee hunter | the golden guard & vee (the owl house) amity blight/luz noceda masha/vee (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard/willow park mattholomule/gus porter Camila Noceda/Manny Noceda evelyn/caleb wittebane eda clawthorne/raine whispers human au hunter | the golden guard and luz noceda and vee are siblings good parent camila noceda bad parent philip wittebane | emperor belos caleb and evelyn are hunter’s parents Luz Noceda has ADHD vee has adhd (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard has ptsd (the owl house) autistc hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard needs a hug (the owl house) luz noceda needs a hug vee needs a hug (the owl house) trans hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) Genderqueer Light Noceda trans willow park trans mattholomule (the owl house) paganism religious imagery & symbolism alcohol abuse/alcoholism marijuana addiction disabled characters implied/referenced suicide implied/referenced character death grief/mourning depression panic attacks Self-harm dissociation unsafe binding author is a theater kid musical references implied/referenced sexual assault implied/referenced grooming implied sexual content
The Noceda family has been followed by tragedy for years. After too many death anniversaries clumped together in a singular month, Luz and Vee are anxious to finally leave August behind them. Hunter Wittebane hasn’t felt fully happy since he was 7. Plagued by loss, abuse, and an unstable living situation throughout the Bible Belt, he feels weird being back in his hometown after nearly a decade. One fateful bus ride brings the trio together. ~Noceda Siblings Human AU~ Fic title from If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin. Please check tags and chapter notes for content warnings.
91.2K words