Chuuya looked up to return the smile, and Higuchi was pretty sure he said something, but she didn’t have a clue what it was when she saw his left hand.
His exposed left hand.
Or, the students at Bungo University find out that Nakahara Chuuya is married. The only problem: they don't know to whom.
He will be Mori's ability, forever in his control and in his hands. They'll play their roles perfectly, Mori as the puppeteer and Dazai as his puppet. And if his dear Osamu ever refused to play his role, well...corpses can't do humane things because they're corpses, and Osamu Dazai was never human to begin with. So he'll always be a corpse and Mori will always be Mori. They'll be a perfect pair, together until the end. No matter how long it takes.
ALTERNATE SUMMARY: Dazai Osamu died at the age of 15, found in his shipping container with his wrists slit and blood pooling beneath his frame. Then how is it possible, that despite his 'death', The Demon Prodigy of the Port Mafia is alive and well, seemingly younger in appearance and now completely in Mori's control. It's all a mess. A mess Chuuya will do anything to solve.
Dazai playlist out now! --> Dazai Playlist!