The year is 1808 and the social Season is about to begin. Nami doesn’t want to marry but her uncle threatens to stop providing for her if she doesn’t. Sanji is forced to procure a bride to appease his enforcing father, even though the last thing he wants to do is marry someone into the madness that is the Vinsmoke family. Could a compromise between the two be enough to appease both parties? And will they be able to fulfil said compromise without actually falling in love?
Historical AU based on Victorian/Regency period dramas. Imagine 1800 England, but set in One Piece World.
Main pairing is Sanji/Nami. Minor pairings are Ace/Vivi, Zoro/Robin, Law/Robin. Mentions of Kaya/Usopp and Smoker/Hina
New Rome is a relatively small city and rumors travel fast. Especially those about a certain raven haired, demigod son of Poseidon.Most people agree they can’t all be true… right? RIGHT?
5 times New Rome residents learn that the rumors about Percy Jackson are true, and 1 time he tells them the real story.