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political alliances

political alliances

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Asgardian Magic
Asgardian Magic
What if Loki was able to warn his past self, so he did not lose control during his regency and was able to act as he normally would? What if he had been able to remain calm and in control of himself, and the situation? "How?" Loki demanded. "Betrayal," his future self stated simply, rage clear in every syllable. "But you must control your reaction and come to see me, or you will repeat my mistakes and we will miss an opportunity to take control and alter things in our favor." It would have changed everything.
479.7K words
King for a Day
King for a Day
house of the dragon (tv) a song of ice and fire & related fandoms a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin Aegon II Targaryen aemond "one-eye" targaryen daeron targaryen (son of viserys i) helaena targaryen alicent hightower otto hightower rhaenyra targaryen daemon targaryen viserys i targaryen rhaenys targaryen velaryon valyrian gods (a song of ice and fire) sunfyre | Aegon II Targaryen's dragon dreamfyre | Helaena Targaryen's dragon vhagar the valyrian god (a song of ice and fire) syrax the valyrian god (a song of ice and fire) original characters Aegon II Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen Aegon II Targaryen & Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen Aegon II Targaryen & Helaena Targaryen Aegon II Targaryen & Daeron Targaryen (son of Viserys I) Aegon II Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen & Daeron Targaryen (son of Visery I) & Helaena Targaryen alicent hightower & aegon ii targaryen aegon ii targaryen & rhaenyra targaryen daemon targaryen/rhaenyra targaryen alicent hightower/viserys i targaryen aegon ii targaryen & viserys i targaryen Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Baela Targaryen the dance of the dragons | aegon ii targaryen v. rhaenyra targaryen era the greens | aegon ii targaryen's faction alternate dance of the dragons | the greens win (a song of ice and fire) time travel time travel fix-it aegon ii targaryen needs a hug aegon ii targaryen is not a rapist protective aegon ii targaryen aegon ii targaryen is a little shit worldbuilding alicent hightower bashing alicent hightower deserves better otto hightower bashing viserys i targaryen bashing daemon targaryen bashing he had a child killed he's gonna get hate rhaenyra targaryen critical episode: s01e07 driftmark (house of the dragon) post-episode: s01e07 driftmark (house of the dragon) targcest | targaryen incest (a song of ice and fire) political alliances author does what they want including making aegon a good person fight me bro warning: aemond "one-eye" targaryen
Aegon II Targaryen earned the chance to change the fate of his family and stop the Dance of the Dragons. The Gods of Old Valyria have very little faith in him with the exception of the one who created the Dragons in the first place. Now the only question is will he be able to do it? This is primarily a team green fanfic but besides a short few, it's also team black friendly
40.4K words
Triskelion Reign: the Shepherd, the Lamb, and the Wolf
Triskelion Reign: the Shepherd, the Lamb, and the Wolf
"Since the day Stiles had reached the age where his womb could become fertile, he’s expected this duty to arrive. He knew his hand would be given to a suitor not for love, but for political security.Such is the way of a monarch born with a cunt between their legs."-----At sixteen, Stiles is as prepared as possible to be given away as a tool for political alliance. He's not terribly happy with the choice of destination, but he knows his duty is important to more than just himself.Derek is the Crown Prince of his country, but has been held back from ascending to the throne for years by his uncle, the King Regent Peter.Peter is doing everything within his power short of assassination to keep his hold on the crown.Stiles has no idea what he's walking into, entering his marriage only to be faced with suspicion, confusion, and possibly subterfuge at every angle. He must work to navigate this foreign political landscape while balancing duty, emotion, and tactical conversation at every corner. Not to mention the mysterious, fantastical tapestries that tell the story of the Hale lineage, perhaps more literally than he'd thought.
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Salt & Rock
Salt & Rock
a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin game of thrones (tv) theon greyjoy balon greyjoy rob stark victarion greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy harras harlaw Jon "the Greatjon" Umber jon "the smalljon" umber patrek mallister qarl the maid (a song of ice and fire) catelyn tully stark rickard karstark dagmer cleftjaw euron greyjoy aeron "damphair" greyjoy renly baratheon Stannis Baratheon Sansa Stark Arya Stark tywin lannister Genna Lannister edmure tully original characters Gregor Clegane sandor clegane daven lannister ‘black’ lorren Oberyn Martell vargo hoat the tattered prince of the windblown (a song of ice and fire) nute the barber (a song of ice and fire) Tyrion Lannister joffrey baratheon balon greyjoy & theon greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy/qarl the maid theon greyjoy & robb stark theon greyjoy & victarion greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy & theon greyjoy balon greyjoy & victarion greyjoy victarion greyjoy & andrick ‘the unsmiling’ balon greyjoy & robb stark harras harlaw & qarl the maid dagmer cleftjaw & theon greyjoy ‘black’ lorren & harras harlaw theon greyjoy/sansa stark(promised in secret) victarion greyjoy/?(a betrothal in the making) asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy/robb stark(in case all else fails) oberyn - relationship robb stark is king in the north political alliances forced marriage the ironborn (a song of ice and fire) ironborn culture & customs (a song of ice and fire) cognitive dissonance blood and violence character study character death this is not going to go the way you think arrogance war of the five kings (a song of ice and fire) canon divergence - war of the five kings (a song of ice and fire) background relationships good parent catelyn tully stark pov robb stark pov theon greyjoy theon greyjoy doesn't betray robb stark theon greyjoy-centric it gets worse then it gets better warning: euron greyjoy book-canon euron greyjoy dark magic not a fix-it
Biding his time after his failed rebellion, Balon Greyjoy learns that his erstwhile heir is returning home at the new Lord of Winterfell's behest, seeking terms for an alliance between the Iron Islands and the newly crowned King in the North. In one timeline, with his decision weighed upon his sense of pride and his sense of pragmatism, Balon's pride won out. But what if he made a different choice?
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