Rhaenyra never expected the sight that would greet her when she entered her father's chambers that night, just like no one expected the events that would follow.
In which a girl was favored by her gods, and the fate of the world was changed because of it.
The night of Rhaenyra's wedding, she decides that she is done playing nice with Alicent Hightower.After losing Joffrey, Laenor is ready to defend his wife to the ends of the earth.
Aegon II Targaryen earned the chance to change the fate of his family and stop the Dance of the Dragons. The Gods of Old Valyria have very little faith in him with the exception of the one who created the Dragons in the first place. Now the only question is will he be able to do it?
This is primarily a team green fanfic but besides a short few, it's also team black friendly