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One Difference
One Difference
Lena Luthor is just moving to National City, a year into Kara being Supergirl, however the difference on this earth, Earth-623, is that Lena Luthor is moving to National City with her 3-year-old daughter Loretta "Lori" Luthor. Lena having a daughter will then completely change Kara and Lena's story as we know it, as well as their relationships with people around them.
314.3K words
How to Succeed in Business
How to Succeed in Business
Based on a tumblr prompt from user forlorn-kumquat posted to thattallnerdybean: Okay, but AU where Kara's first job isn't for CatCo, it's for LuthorCorp. She gets a job in the mail room because she wants to keep an eye on the new CEO so that Clark doesn't have to stretch himself between Metropolis and National City so much. Only she gets noticed one day and suddenly she's Lena frikkin Luthor's new personal assistant. And she's expecting another Lex, but Lena's not like that. And Kara might be a little in love. And then she becomes Supergirl and saves Lena late one night... (Slowburn Supercorp with some Sanvers thrown in for good measure, because I love them all). Enjoy!
38.1K words
Soulmate AU where everything is the same except that everyone can have a device installed that will tell them when they will meet their soulmate. (Concept borrowed from the movie Timer, which is great and you should see it!). Kara must deal with the fact that she may never be able to get a Timer installed due to her invulnerability, and she doesn't quite know whether that's good or bad. Things get more challenging for her when the person she's dating decides to get one installed. Meanwhile, Alex has to deal with the surprising result of her eventual soulmate and Lena Luthor wonders if she'll ever meet hers. Supercorp slowburn with a little Sanvers thrown in for good measure!
18.1K words