Quirkless Midoriya Izuku awakens from the hospital after the encounter with the sludge villain that's when a screen-like object appears and his whole world changes. Read about his change physically and mentally as he becomes the world strongest. Oh and the many MANY Women he bags along the way.
Discontinued, but I am reworking it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60096814/chapters/153343276
Having stayed up the night before grinding, it was very hard for her to pay attention to her new Sensei being smug or her teammates introducing themselves.It was even harder to pay attention to them when a statistics window opened for her.
Hinata puts her foot down right before she is meant to walk down the aisle.Now what?"The best revenge is for me to do something that makes me happy. That’s the last thing any of them would want.”
"It's time Hinata, no more waiting." Hiashi orders and she withers under his stare, knows her time is up. Though she's known about this day for years, she'd been wishing, hoping he would change his mind and not give into one of Konoha's oldest and cruel traditions. When a suitable girl comes of age and the bribe isn't made, you're sacrificed to the village's jinchuriki…Canon AU