With her wanting a change of scenery and pace from her former life as the Hydro Archon of Fontaine, Furina decided to join Aether in his adventures through Teyvat to learn and experience more things in her life.
She did not expect that it would be quite a long list for her to know on how to just be an adventurer of Aether's caliber.(Eventual Aether/Furina)
As of 03/18/2024 - this story would not be updated anymore as I am currently rewriting the entire thing to accommodate that I want. Those said changes will be on a new story that will be posted in the future once it happens! Will post the link to it here whenever it comes out!
With her divinity gone and her life as an Archon mostly left behind, Furina spends her time reading, eating snacks and overall enjoying her newfound humanity. Alongside her special someone, of course.