Tav is an asshole and hands Astarion over to Gandrel at the first opportunity. Astarion is dragged back to Baldur's Gate, terrified by the thought that Cazador is just waiting to get his hands on him again. Luckily for him, a certain Cambion seems to be rather interested in his fate. Raphael offers him a pact: protection in exchange for servitude. Of course, the devil has his own plans, even if it's just to spite his father.
Astarion had been entombed for years now.
The desire to leave this place was always strongest in these moments. It was single minded, heavy, it choked his throat and squeezed his chest, he felt full to bursting with this desire. He felt empty. No amount of begging, pleading, or screaming had helped before but still he managed to choke out a single word between useless hiccupping breaths.
For the first time someone answered.